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SUBJECT: SALES TAX REPORTS FOR THE MONTH ENDED APRIL 30, 2020 <br />DATE: JUNE 9, 2020 PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />The monthly and year-to-date sales tax revenue by area reports represent the YTD retail <br />health of various quadrants of the City. These reports include all vendors remitting tax to <br />the City. <br />The Monthly Revenue by Area sales tax report for April 2020 indicates increases for <br />Outside City, Hwy 42 South, South Boulder Rd, and Hwy 42 North. The Interchange, <br />McCaslin North, Downtown, CTC, Pine Street, Centennial Valley, and South Suburban <br />areas all decreased for the month, with Louisville Plaza area ending flat. <br />The first YTD Revenue by Area report through April 2020 is a one -page snapshot for <br />major areas in the City. The original (13) sectors have been combined into (5) major <br />areas, McCaslin/Western, CTC/Eastern, South Boulder Rd/Northern, Downtown/Central <br />and Outside City. <br />The Outside City and South Boulder Rd/Northern areas continued to increase, while <br />McCaslin/Western, Downtown/Central, and CTC/Eastern areas further declined. This <br />summary reflects April declining revenues for hotels, restaurants, and some retail, as well <br />as overall increases in grocery, liquor, and online retail purchases. <br />The second YTD Revenue by Area report through April 2020, provides a more granular <br />look at individual areas of the City. Areas that have increased or remained fairly steady <br />YTD include, Outside City, Louisville Plaza, McCaslin North, Hwy 42 South, South <br />Boulder Rd, Hwy 42 North and South Suburban. The most impacted areas of the City <br />through April 2020 have been, Downtown, CTC, Pine St, and Centennial Valley. <br />The monthly and year-to-date sales tax revenue by industry reports represent the retail <br />health of individual industry sectors of the City. These reports include all vendors <br />remitting tax to the City. <br />The Monthly Revenue by Industry report for April 2020 indicates gains for the industries <br />Grocery, Building Materials, Finance/Leasing, Furniture and Automotive. The industries <br />Food/Beverage, Communications/Utilities, General Merchandise, Services, <br />Manufacturing, Wholesale, Apparel, and Agriculture all declined in the month of April <br />2020. The monthly decline in the Services sector is due primarily to the significant decline <br />in Hotel revenue. <br />The first YTD Revenue by Industry sales tax report, represents (13) industry sectors that <br />have been grouped into (7) major categories and are color -coded. <br />Most major industry sectors ended up through April 2020, but there were steep declines <br />for Food/Beverage and Services. The All Other Retail sector (which includes <br />manufacturing, furniture, wholesale, automotive, apparel and agriculture) finished down <br />slightly through April 2020. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />