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Utility Committee Agenda and Packet 2020 06 23
UTILITY COMMITTEE (pka: Water Committee)
2020 Utility Committee Agendas and Packets
Utility Committee Agenda and Packet 2020 06 23
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6/22/2020 10:37:21 AM
City Council Records
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City Council Utility Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Tuesday, May 12, 2020 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />need to move up in response to development activities and the need to increase <br />capacity. Mayor Stolzmann continued with saying we need to figure out the <br />timing of this and the appropriate years to put the budget in is. Mr. Peterson <br />agreed that these are multi -year projects that won't result in full expenditure by <br />year end but the full contact amount would be executed and approved as early <br />as this fall. The Committee continued discussing costs and Mr. Kowar said that <br />there is no amount of money on paper that makes a difference until January <br />because that is when we lock in rates and get actuals. Councilmember Lipton <br />asked if the pipeline project could benefit from phasing. Mr. Kowar said phasing <br />could spread out cost but the pipeline would not be operational during the <br />phasing plan. Councilmember Lipton said the concern is if we throw more money <br />at this then other things get cut and stated this is something to talk about at a <br />future meeting. Mr. Kowar said the overall plan is to get final engineer estimates <br />and we can see how they all line up and then we can make strategic decisions <br />together. Mr. Kowar then referred to the Wastewater portion of the table and said <br />wastewater is mostly tied up from possible impacts of developments in the City. <br />The wastewater plant would be significantly expanded so some projects we are <br />locking them and holding on to them to see what happens because we don't <br />want to spend money if it will be part of an expansion. Alternatively, if we don't <br />have the development happening then a few projects will be needed <br />operationally. Mr. Kowar went on to say wastewater is pretty much done and <br />moved onto the stormwater portion and started with saying the Detention Pond is <br />part of the master plan. The 2019 work was not completed and is being bundled <br />with this year's plan. This was due to staffing shortages last year. He then <br />explained the Drainage Al line item that is a plan project that is in partnership <br />with Urban Drainage Flood Control District which is now called Mile Hi Flood <br />Control District (MHFCD). Councilmember Lipton asked why the proposed <br />budget is $860,000. Mr. Kowar said we were setting up our funding to match <br />funding coming from MHFCD for the match. MHFCD completes the design and <br />construction and we write them a check. The budget designated $750,000 in the <br />BNSF Underpass at Steel Ranch and when that project didn't go through this <br />funding is proposed to be reallocated to the Drainage Al. The committee <br />continued discussing the formatting of the table and headings. Mr. Watson will <br />change the heading description for next year and reminded everyone that this is <br />an internal spreadsheet. Mr. Kowar stated there will be an IGA that will be going <br />to Council on this project where it will give more detail so you can see how all <br />funding allocations. <br />X. 6-Year CIP Plan <br />Page 21 & 22 - Mr. Kowar said the 6-year CIP plan was similar to the carryover <br />and is being provided in advance to City Council discussions and asked Mr. <br />Watson when we are going to council for CIP. Mr. Watson stated we usually look <br />at it at the budget retreat and we are looking at possibly doing it earlier. Mrs. <br />Balser said we will look at 2021-2026 budget at the scheduled retreat which is <br />July 23rd. Mr. Kowar stated this is a precursor for the Utility Committee and <br />looking at this today allows us to take your input and tweak it a little and meet <br />again before we bring it to Council. Committee continued discussing the table <br />7 <br />
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