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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 16th, 2019 <br />Page 9 of 13 <br />Johnson stated that the HSA was scheduled for Thursday. <br />Klemme made a motion to place a 90-day stay. Dunlap seconded. Motion passed <br />unanimously by voice vote. <br />Ulm made a motion to approve probable cause. Parris seconded. Motion passed <br />unanimously by voice vote. <br />1016 Grant Avenue: Probable Cause Determination <br />Selvoski explained that the changes to the property were historic and that from the <br />street much of it remained similar to the historic photo. The structure was constructed <br />between 1906 and 1907 and is an early 20th-century wood frame house with a cross - <br />gable roof and a recessed porch. There is a rear addition and a covered porch, which <br />were not visible from the street. Multiple owners were associated with mining, including <br />Angelo Berardi who was killed at the Black Diamond Mine and was associated with the <br />Caranci family for 90 years. She noted that the window placement and size were <br />changed in the 1950s. Staff finds that the structure meets the criteria for landmarking <br />and thus for probable cause. <br />Klemme asked what "associated" with the Carancis meant. <br />Selvoski replied that they had lived there. <br />Klemme asked if the addition was constructed in the 1950s. <br />Selvoski replied that the rear addition and the ... <br />Johnson, DAJ Johnson 922A Main Street, stated that he thought the proposal was <br />pretty straightforward. Typically siding like there is on this structure would reveal original <br />work underneath. He noted that the home next door was a national register. The <br />southeast corner was also filled in and landmarked on the National Register with that <br />filled -in portion. The homes on this street had a high degree of architectural integrity and <br />he hoped this proposal would start a trend on this street. <br />Dunlap asked if the intent was to follow this with an alteration certificate. <br />Johnson replied that it was yet to be determined. The interest was in taking the <br />character of the existing home and bringing it into more of a loveable form than what <br />was currently there. <br />Dunlap stated that this was the reason the City had the incentive program. <br />Ulm added that the streetscape and scale in this neighborhood was very nice. <br />10 <br />