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Planning Commission Minutes 2016 01 14
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Planning Commission Minutes 2016 01 14
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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 14, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 14 <br />Continued from previous PC meeting. Pritchard says there is a request to reopen public <br />hearing on this matter. The resolution at the closure of the November meeting was a Resolution <br />of Denial. Looking at the bylaws, there must be certain things met in order to determine whether <br />a continuance was offered. A continuance was discussed at the November meeting but PC <br />chose to not offer it. There must be good cause to determine a continuance. There is no issue <br />of fundamental fairness. It is a procedural issue. Do the PC Commissioners feel there is any <br />reason to change the resolution that stands before us this evening? <br />Moline asks if there will be public input on this item? How would the public know about this <br />continuance if there has been no public notice? <br />Pritchard says PC closed on this item and the Resolution of Denial was drafted by Staff. There <br />are public notice issues. <br />Rice says are multiple facets to this. The request is for a continuance. I understand the <br />continuance is being sought so we can reopen the public hearing and hear new evidence. To <br />have a continuance, there would need to be good cause. The standard, as I understand in the <br />bylaws to reopen the public hearing, is only when it is necessary to provide justice, fundamental <br />fairness, or other good cause. I have an issue with that. We had a lengthy public hearing in <br />November on this issue. We can't have a new public hearing unless we re -notice it and start the <br />whole process again with a new public notice to reopen. Beyond that, what I read in the note <br />accompanying this request is the suggestion that we would view new material changes in the <br />application. I am not sure that can be considered in the context of an application that has been <br />perfected and brought before the PC. I have reservations procedurally about the request. <br />O'Connell, Tengler, Brauneis, and Moline agree with Rice. Hsu abstains since he was not at <br />the November PC meeting. <br />Rice clarifies that a yes vote is for the Resolution of Denial. <br />Moline asks what the options are for the applicant after this? If the PC passes the Resolution of <br />Denial, can the applicant head to City Council (CC)? <br />Pritchard says the applicant can go to CC. The previous case of Resolution of Denial was <br />DELO Plaza who then made concessions and presented to CC who dealt with it. CC can refer <br />this case back to PC. <br />Brauneis asks if the applicant can present a new plan to PC? <br />Robinson says the applicant may withdraw the current application and submit a new <br />application which will go through the referral process, public notice process, and presentation to <br />PC following the standard timeline. <br />Motion made by Moline to approve 824 South Street Final PUD: Resolution of Denial, <br />seconded by O'Connell. Roll call vote. <br />Name <br />Vote <br />Chris Pritchard <br />Yes <br />Cary Ten ler <br />Yes <br />Ann O'Connell <br />Yes <br />Jeff Moline <br />Yes <br />Steve Brauneis <br />Yes <br />Tom Rice <br />Yes <br />David Hsu <br />Abstain <br />Motion passed/failed: <br />Pass <br />Motion passes 6-0. <br />
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