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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 8, 2018 <br />Page 11 of 14 <br />Rice asked if there was adequate parking to accommodate the maximum occupancy. <br />Ritchie stated that there were 502 parking spaces. <br />Rice asked if anyone had any ideas how many employees worked there when Neodata occupied the <br />building, as there was a lot of traffic at that time. <br />Ritchie stated that she did not have the specifics, but in the 1997 PUD amendment traffic generation was <br />a concern for the neighborhood. That's why there was a cap in that amendment. <br />Hoefner asked if there was a zone that could be applied that would not require an SRU. <br />Ritchie stated that there were zones that allowed their usage by right, but they were too intense for the <br />residential area. Staff evaluated all the zone districts related to the Comprehensive Plan and the context <br />of the development. <br />Hoefner asked if a new occupant would require a new SRU if they wanted to make changes. <br />Ritchie stated that any changes to the SRU would trigger re -review. The applicant is limited to what is <br />stated in the SRU. <br />Howe asked if there would be additional noise or vibrations with the indoor entertainment space. <br />Ritchie stated that staff did not anticipate additional noise or vibrations. <br />Brauneis asked for additional questions. Seeing none, he asked for the applicant presentation. <br />Andy Johnson stated that the zoning issue was a surprise but a welcome one to help clean up the zoning <br />issues in the city. He stated that they looked at it as housekeeping, since the zone was repealed in 1984. <br />Anytime a new use comes up, there needed to be an SRU, which was a burden to any landowner. He <br />added that there were no uses for the property currently. As for the SRU, he stated that the site is <br />currently underused compared to Neodata, the previous occupant. Johnson added that it was great to <br />have Gaia in Louisville, as it was known around the world yet did not create issues on the site itself. The <br />event center would create no additional noise or vibrations and it would never change the maximum <br />occupants allowed in the SRU. The use was already happening, but since they were applying for a permit <br />to touch another part of the building, they needed the rezoning process. Johnson stated that the owner of <br />Gaia was present and could answer additional questions. <br />Howe asked if any noise from the theater space would affect neighbors. <br />Johnson stated that the interior of the building was entirely isolated and would have no effect outside the <br />building. <br />Williams asked what kind of events there would be and who they were geared toward. <br />Johnson stated that they were public events similar to TED Talks. <br />Brauneis asked for public comment. Seeing none, he asked for additional questions of staff or the <br />applicant. He then closed the public hearing and asked for commissioner comments. <br />Hoefner stated that it seemed like a clean-up issue. He asked if there was a re -zoning that could <br />accommodate what was being asked for in the SRU. <br />Howe stated that as a local business owner, he understood the need to constantly adjust and appreciated <br />that they were going through the requisite channels. <br />Williams stated that it was a clean-up issue and she supported it. Overall, she thought the City needed to <br />review its zoning. <br />