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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2020 10 14
2020 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2020 10 14
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Last modified
10/14/2020 1:31:02 PM
Creation date
10/9/2020 8:49:41 AM
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 9, 2020 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />10. Discussion Item: Determine OSAB Meeting Schedule and Format for the <br />Remainder of 2020 <br />Helen commented that she thought the board should continue to hold meeting and <br />suggested continuing to do it on Zoom. Nathan said Council has directed that we <br />continue to meet remotely, adding that we won't have Meredith to provide logistic <br />support. Peter suggested that we could reschedule the November meeting, since it was <br />previously scheduled for the 11t" which is the Veteran's Day holiday. Jessamine pointed <br />out that the original plan was to have a joint meeting with PPLAB that month. Nathan <br />suggested a joint meeting with another board might be less effective online. Charles <br />suggested a meeting on November 18 instead (the third Wednesday of the month, not <br />the customary second). Peter made a motion to have the November meeting on the 18tn <br />at the regular time, held online. Charles seconded the motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />11. Discussion Item: Potential Trail Access to Davidson Mesa, presented by Nathan <br />Mosley, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Open Space. <br />Nathan cautioned that this discussion was purely informational and quite preliminary. <br />The land in the packet's picture has been put for sale. It is a vacant property that backs <br />to Davidson Mesa Open Space from the Enclave neighborhood. It has been proposed <br />for an easement or a lot purchase to put in a trail access from the mesa to the <br />neighborhood could be a possibility. Nathan was curious about the Board's interest. <br />Nathan has spoken to the realtor and learned there are two, odd -shaped lots on this <br />property. <br />Peter said he thought it was probably worth pursuing, but commented that the property <br />owner has a drainage problem on the site, stating may be a challenging lot to develop <br />that may not be worth top dollar. <br />Charles said there used to be social trail on that piece of land and the Enclave neighbors <br />was were unhappy about people crossing the property and it was fenced off. He added <br />that the Enclave neighbors might be the only people who use it and it might constitute a <br />"private entrance" for that neighborhood. <br />Laura commented that there might be some pushback from neighbors if people start to <br />drive and park in the neighborhood, so community input would be important before <br />pursuing the access. <br />Nathan suggested that the lot might be developable as overflow parking for Davidson <br />Mesa. <br />Peter suggested that it should be a small access not a trailhead. <br />Laura suggested the Enclave HOA might be willing to help with the planning and <br />expense of a trail access, as it might add to their neighborhood's value. <br />Charles liked the idea of formalizing the open space access from the companies in the <br />office complex at the mesa (like GHX). Laura suggested that their current parking lot <br />was never full, so there might be an agreement possible with the landowner in exchange <br />for a formal trailhead. <br />6i <br />
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