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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />September 9, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />B. Helen commented that she has had a lot of recent conversations with people <br />walking the City trails, which got a lot of use this summer. She has had a lot of <br />questions about and interest in wayfinding. Laura had conversation with a <br />councilmember and neighbors all interested in wayfinding as well. Helen wants to <br />communicate to the board her determination to recommit to this effort. <br />7. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda <br />No public in attendance. <br />8. Discussion Item: Redtail Ridge Update on Current Status & OSAB Review Process <br />Moving Forward, presented by Nathan Mosley, Director of Parks, Recreation, and <br />Open Space. <br />There were two meetings to discuss Redtail Ridge in front of City Council at the <br />beginning of the summer. At the second meeting the developer announced that they <br />would like to make substantial changes to the proposal. The City Council has voted to <br />remand the decision to Planning Commission. The City is waiting until there is a new <br />submittal. There have been no dates announced. Nathan's impression was that the <br />reason for the withdrawn application by the developer was that the plan was not <br />supported by the citizens. <br />9. Discussion Item: 2020 Capital Improvement Projects and Operational Priorities & <br />2021 Capital Improvement Projects, presented by Nathan Mosley, Director of <br />Parks, Recreation, and Open Space. <br />There is information in the packet about changes in the budget due to Covid-19. There <br />are two major actions by Council: there has been an increase in citizen use of Parks and <br />Open Space. The Rec Center was closed for 101 days. The Golf Course lost months of <br />revenue. The City is projecting a $5 million decrease in revenue. There are decreases <br />and cuts in the budget totaling $2.5 million. The City's Finance department has <br />decreased their sales tax revenue projection from -15% to -10% because during this <br />past summer the sales tax revenue has actually been slightly up from 2019. The packet <br />outlies some of the cancellations in the Open Space budgets. They cut the Boulder <br />Youth Corp program. They cut the outreach budget to focus on maintenance because <br />staff has been stretched thin. They have postponed the Cottonwood Master Plan project <br />not knowing if there would be funding to actually implement it. The Warembourg Fishing <br />Plan master plan and a signage project have also been postponed. Helen asked for <br />more details about the signage project. Nathan clarified that it was mostly for Parks, <br />naming parks, putting up name signs, and posting rules and regulation signs. Ember <br />added that the signs were to be in line with wayfinding standards. Helen pointed out that <br />this plan has been postponed for years. Nathan said that the plan would be re -requested <br />in 2020, with a re-scoping to reduce costs. Helen asked if Council knows about the plan <br />and if there is a role for OSAB to advocate for wayfinding at the Council meetings. Helen <br />volunteered to help with any written materials. Nathan suggest OSAB could be invited to <br />the meeting or submit a memo. Helen asked Nathan to determine which option would be <br />more effective. The signs are in the current budget proposals which go to City Council <br />meetings on Sept 22 and 29. Nathan added that there is a request for a second Open <br />Space maintenance position. Nathan commented how hard the current maintenance <br />person works and how much deferred maintenance the City has accumulated. Nathan <br />ran through the new timing of a few more CIP projects that are described in the packet. <br />0 <br />