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LL 1tyof_ CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />Louisville AGENDA ITEM 2 <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />SUBJECT: DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — 2021 CITY COUNCIL WORK <br />PLANNING <br />DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2020 <br />PRESENTED BY: HEATHER BALSER, CITY MANAGER <br />MEGAN DAVIS, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER <br />EMILY HOGAN, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FOR <br />COMMUNICATION AND SPECIAL PROJECTS <br />SUMMARY: <br />City Council will conduct its annual work planning session to establish a realistic work <br />plan for 2021 that reflects Council's priorities on issues that require Council policy <br />direction or guidance. The work plan will include issues that City Council plans to <br />address throughout the course of the year, the approximate meeting time Council will <br />devote to each issue, and a rough schedule (by quarter) when Council will consider <br />each issue. The Council work plan helps staff prioritize internal work plans and schedule <br />the work that is needed to bring to Council for engagement. In addition, the work plan <br />also helps the public understand what key issues City Council will focus on in the <br />coming year. <br />The work planning session will be facilitated by Jonathan Bartsch, Principal at CDR <br />Associates. A detailed agenda for the facilitated session is attached (attachment 1). The <br />December 8 meeting will include the identification of City Council priorities to be <br />included on the 2021 work plan, and on January 12 City Council will prioritize the items <br />on the work plan, determine the timing for consideration of the items and how much <br />time must be dedicated to each item. Once completed, staff will use the approved <br />Council work plan to develop the advanced agenda for the year. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The City Council annual work plan includes all the items that the Council plans to <br />discuss throughout the calendar year. The work plan is limited to what can feasibly be <br />accomplished by staff and Council during the work year. Currently, the draft includes <br />more items than staff will be able to accomplish over the course of the year, so City <br />Council will need to reduce the draft work plan considerably. <br />To better understand what can feasibly be accomplished, in 2019, 40 items were <br />prioritized on the work plan, and at the end of the year 32 had been completed (or <br />advanced to the anticipated level of completion) and 8 were incomplete. In 2020, 27 <br />items were included on the original work plan, with 5 prioritized as high. Recognizing <br />that 2020 was an unusual year and two major items were added that required significant <br />City Council time (COVID-19 pandemic response and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), <br />18 of the original items and two added items were completed or advanced. Not all work <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />