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City Council Agenda and Packet 2020 12 08 SP
2020 City Council Agendas and Packets
City Council Agenda and Packet 2020 12 08 SP
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9/21/2022 9:51:32 AM
Creation date
12/7/2020 10:59:04 AM
City Council Records
Also Known As (aka)
Council Work Plan
Meeting Date
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City Council Packet
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SUBJECT: 2021 CITY COUNCIL WORK PLANNING <br />DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2020 PAGE 2 OF 4 <br />plan items require the same level of discussion or time investment on the part of staff <br />and City Council, but this provides a general sense of how much can be completed over <br />the course of a year. Currently there are 24 items slotted on the proposed 2021 work <br />plan, so depending on how much time is required for each item, Council can <br />conceivably add 3 — 4 new items (unless some are removed). <br />The Council work plan includes: <br />• Issues that require City Council policy direction. <br />• Issues that require Council consideration or action, per the charter. <br />• Routine items that require City Council action (land use items, fees/fines, etc.). <br />• Items/projects that are already budgeted for in 2020 but that require Council input <br />or action. <br />The work plan should not include: <br />Day to day operational items. <br />Items that require City Council approval on consent, or simple approval without <br />discussion (e.g. routine contracts). <br />Items that require staff or City Council capacity beyond what's feasible within the <br />year. <br />In addition to the elements agreed to by City Council for inclusion on the work plan, the <br />final document identifies the budget program area for each item, as well as an icon for <br />the alignment of the work plan item and the Strategic Plan. The icon depicts which <br />Critical Success Factor may be supported by the work plan action (although it's possible <br />more than one CSF would be impacted), and a note indicates whether the work plan <br />item reflects a Strategic Plan Priority Initiative (attachment 2). <br />Prior to the work planning retreat, staff reviewed the 2020 work plan, identified items <br />which may not have been completed or need to be carried over for further discussion <br />and direction, identified items planned through the 2021/22 biennial budget, and added <br />any other items that were identified by Council throughout the year. Attached to this <br />memo is the updated 2020 work plan (attachment 3), which reflects the status of each <br />of the work plan items in 2020 and the significant changes experienced due to COVID- <br />19 and other priorities. These unforeseen priorities resulted in a shifting of many of the <br />items on the work plan — either to 2021 or off the work plan entirely. <br />Incorporating all of these pieces, staff drafted a proposed work plan list and circulated it <br />to City Council for initial input. Through a brief online survey, Councilmembers had the <br />opportunity to identify their top priorities for new items, and to add items in advance of <br />the work planning session. The survey results were synthesized, and the items that <br />were identified as priorities were added to the draft work plan. Attached is the proposed <br />2021 work plan (attachment 4) and a list of those items that were identified by Council <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />3 <br />
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