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SUBJECT: 2021 CITY COUNCIL WORK PLANNING <br />DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2020 PAGE 3 OF 4 <br />but not selected as top priorities for consideration in 2021 as a result of obtaining no <br />votes in the work planning survey (attachment 5). <br />The goal of this City Council work planning retreat is for Council to develop an <br />understanding and agreement of the 2021 work plan elements. During the work <br />planning retreat, City Council will discuss the following: <br />• Mr. Bartsch will go through the Council survey results, the items that are to be <br />advanced and those to be set -aside for future consideration. <br />• Staff and/or City Council will provide a brief description of each item on the <br />proposed work plan, and what completion would entail from a staff and City <br />Council perspective. <br />Questions for Council to discuss: <br />• Using the survey results, are there carry -forward items that can be removed? <br />• Which of the proposed new items would the City Council like to add to the list? <br />• Are there additional items that City Council would like to discuss that were not <br />included on the list? <br />• Does City Council agree that this is generally the right number of items for City <br />Council to complete in the coming year? <br />As a next step from the work planning retreat, staff will refine the estimates of Council <br />time necessary to address each issue and optimal time for consideration. Staff will <br />provide a recommendation for prioritization and the type of Council communication or <br />discussion necessary for each item. On January 12, City Council will finalize the 2021 <br />work plan. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />Many of the items on the work plan will have a budget impact — some of which may be <br />budgeted and others that may have a future budget impact. The City has retained CDR <br />Associates to assist with the work planning process at a cost up to $5,000 depending on <br />the amount of time required for preparation and facilitation. <br />PROGRAM/SUB-PROGRAM IMPACT: <br />The work plan incorporates the work of City Council over the course of the year, and <br />therefore impacts all program and subprogram areas. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommend City Council discuss the potential items for the 2021 work plan and <br />make a determination about what should be included. <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Work plan session agenda <br />2. Strategic Plan Priority Initiatives — 2021 — 2022 <br />3. Updated 2020 City Council Work Plan <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />q <br />