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goals in the area of our Capital Improvement Programs and other <br />high priority items. <br />It is extremely important that the City develop other con- <br />tinuing and more permanent type revenue sources to replace that <br />revenue derived from growth. <br />While on the subject of revenue, I feel I must comment on another <br />problem area. The specific earmarking of funds is one that the <br />Mayor and City Council should review carefully so that the monies <br />derived from various revenue sources are allocated to be spent on <br />those programs of the highest priority as established by the elected <br />officials of this City. <br />After a careful review of all budget requests and our projected <br />revenue picture, also in keeping with the Mayor and City Councils <br />stated policy, that present mill levies should be maintained. The <br />budget, with the exception of a one-half (2) mill increase in the <br />General Improvement fund, provides for no increase in the Tax levy. <br />The levy proposed is as follows: <br />General Fund <br />Pool Fund <br />Capital Improvement Fund <br />General Improvement Fund <br />11 mills <br />2 mills <br />2 mills <br />5.5 mills <br />In closing I want to thank the department heads and other members <br />of the City Staff who assisted in the preparation of the budget. I <br />also want to thank you, the Mayor and City Council, for the interest <br />and consideration shown all budget requests as well as for the many <br />