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.Z..O CTXST17SX <br />January 6, .1977 <br />Case 'J.11 - January <br />7:30 p.:. <br />VARIANCE: <br />e T� E7a 7. tl <br />+nil4YtbPioii�_s� �lYht:.iJ 4',#aaa.4.aNzAr <br />. ��N. �r-W i• •`i.-sit <br />1975 Michael A. Fritts <br />11110 Pine St. <br />Louisville, Colorado - 80027 <br />Set mobile home for a period of not more than twelve months or until <br />permanent office and living quarters are developed. The property zoned <br />Commercial Business will be used for business purposes, which merchandise <br />will be exposed and survelaince helpful. Also as satisfactory housing <br />for myself and dependants is scarce in Louisville, it would serve my <br />best interests in several ways to -be granted a adjustment by this board. <br />HEARING: With one member missing Er. Fritts was asked if 'he would like to have the - <br />full five member panel, he did not. <br />The application was read. This application is part of these minutes. <br />Article ;r354 was read. It as established that Mr. Fritts did o: -n the <br />property, and that Mr. Fritts would use this property for business. <br />Mr. Samuel Duran from the audience obje cted to the property being used <br />for any kind of business, because it would devalue their Property. <br />It was brought tp that this property is zoned for commercial business, <br />and that Mr. Fritts could put a business on this property. <br />air. Fritts established that his business would deal in many commodities. <br />Mr. Fritts ,could like to live in a mobile home on this property until <br />such time as a Permanent buildin can be built. <br />Mr. Ross brought out that if the board accented this application, this <br />mobile home would have to be brought up to all the building codes. <br />The property in question was pointed out on the city property map.. <br />Mr. Pickett read what buisnesses were acceptable in a C.B. zoning. <br />I•Lr. Rome, home owner and resident in the subject area, at this time <br />• <br />