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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 21, 2020 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />He goes into further detail about the applicant's proposal. The request is to allow a 4' <br />setback for a new detached garage and a 5' setback to relocate a shed where 30 feet is <br />required. The garage is 20' x 24' (480 sq. ft.) and approximately 13' tall. The shed is 8' x <br />8' (160 sq. ft.) and 8.8' tall. He displays and reviews the proposed garage's elevations <br />and site plan as well. <br />He concludes his presentation by reviewing the six variance criteria. The following <br />indicates staff's analysis of each criteria: <br />Criteria 1 - Criterion Met <br />• The property is unique in that it has a narrow lot and building envelope. The <br />location of house results in a unique constraint. The corner lot also has a larger <br />setback than the other lots in the neighborhood. <br />Criteria 2 - Criterion Met <br />• There are unusual circumstances because the RE zoning was written for larger <br />and wider lots, and the street -side setback is unique to a small number of lots in <br />the neighborhood. <br />Criteria 3 - Criterion Met <br />• When considering the lot constraints and location of the house, the applied <br />setbacks do not provide a reasonable option to build a garage that complies with <br />the zoning. <br />Criteria 4 - Criterion Met <br />This hardship has not been created by the applicant because the property was <br />platted and built before the 1977 update to the zoning. <br />Criteria 5 - Criterion Met <br />• This variance approval will not alter the character of the neighborhood because <br />of the structures close proximity to South Boulder Road, which limits any <br />potential impacts to the neighbors. It is also consistent with a similar variance <br />approval on Longs Peak Drive. <br />Criteria 6 - Criterion Met <br />• This is the minimum variance and least modification possible because setting the <br />garage further south is not feasible due to the location of the house, which limits <br />access to the back of the lot. <br />Staff Recommendations: <br />Staff finds that all six criteria in Municipal code Section 17.48.110 are met because the <br />only location to place a conforming garage is on the south side of the lot, but the <br />location of the house prohibits placing a driveway and garage in this location. <br />Staff recommends the Board of Adjustment approval of the variance request. <br />Board Questions of Staff. - <br />Cooper asks that if the board approves the variance, down the road, would it allow the <br />next property owner to come and build upon the approved footprint? <br />