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Seventh Amended Public Health Order 20-36 COVID-19 Dial <br />February 12, 2021 <br />People experiencing homelessness are urged to protect their health and safety by <br />complying with Distancing Requirements at all times. <br />F. Individuals are encouraged to limit travel to Necessary Travel, defined in Section <br />IV below, including but not limited to, travel by automobile or public transit. <br />People must use public transit only for purposes of performing Necessary <br />Activities or to travel to and from work to operate Businesses or maintain Critical <br />Governmental Functions as authorized in Section III of this Order. People riding <br />on public transit must comply with Distancing Requirements to the greatest extent <br />feasible. <br />II. COVID-19 DIAL LEVELS. <br />A. APPLICATION OF THE DIAL. <br />1. The COVID-19 Dial consists of six levels that counties qualify for based on <br />meeting specific metrics. Counties will remain in a Dial level so long as they <br />continue to meet the metrics in that level. If the county falls out of compliance <br />with the disease incidence metric associated with that level, CDPHE will confirm <br />the metric with the county and move the county to the next most restrictive level. <br />CDPHE may also move a county to a more restrictive level if there is a lack of <br />sufficient testing or regional or statewide hospital capacity. CDPHE reserves the <br />right to move counties one or more levels more quickly as circumstances warrant. <br />2. For counties that meet all metrics for the next less restrictive level for a one week <br />period, CDPHE will confirm the metrics with the county and move the county to <br />the next less restrictive level within two days. Counties wishing to move levels <br />from Blue (Safer at Home) to Green (Protect our Neighbor) must complete an <br />online certification form and process provided by CDPHE. Counties may <br />individually, or in a grouping of counties together creating a region, certify that <br />they meet the metrics for Level Green. <br />3. Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors Certification <br />a. Containment and mitigation plan. Counties or regions certifying for Level <br />Green must submit with the certification form a mitigation and <br />containment plan that addresses all of the following: <br />i. what the county or region will do if it falls out of compliance with <br />any of the metrics, and <br />ii. how the county or region will <br />promote public compliance with the guidelines, <br />19 <br />