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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />April 14, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Business Matters of Commission: <br />• Discussion/Direction — Work Plan <br />Economic Vitality Director Megan Pierce kicked off an in-depth discussion <br />related to the Work Plan. The high priority items relate to and impact the <br />budget. Discussion of the Work Plan ensued. <br />Commissioner Smith asked if some of the items could be bundled. Director <br />Pierce views them as independent but cost efficiencies can be considered. <br />Commissioner Williams asked if funds can be reallocated from small business <br />grants to improving and purchasing more patios. Director Pierce said the LRC <br />did not budget anything for the grant program so there are not funds left over; <br />that money would be accounted for in a budget amendment. There is funding <br />available and can be captured in a budget amendment for additional projects <br />the LRC wishes to undertake. Chair Adler agrees with Commissioner Williams <br />that the patio program is a valuable investment. <br />Post cards will be mailed in May, encouraging residents to bike and walk in <br />town as a communications campaign. Availability of maps was encouraged by <br />Commissioners to promote safe routes through town. <br />The TMP will set a goal for sustainable practices, including EV charging <br />stations. Council member Leh noted one of Councils highest priorities is <br />sustainability and charging stations are of interest and effort on the part of <br />Council. EV incentives were discussed. Planning and Building Safety Director <br />Zuccaro noted the City does not have a code or policy that compels developers <br />to put in EV charging stations. Director Pierce will note this might be a targeted <br />area and the LRC might like to offer incentives for stations rather than <br />conducting a formal study. <br />Commissioner Tofte asked about the undergrounding of powerlines. The Griffith <br />underground project is advancing but will be added to the Work Plan and <br />represented since it will need an agreement. The downtown alley will also be <br />added. Director Pierce will reformat the Plan to add an area of items that will be <br />considered but are not immediate priorities. <br />Director Zuccaro provided an update on the Hwy 42 corridor planning saying <br />Lafayette and Boulder County are partners in the project. Scope and timeline <br />are being developed and a consultant has been hired. It will be a yearlong <br />planning process. Commissioner Tofte asked everyone to be mindful of the <br />Agenda Packet P. 3 <br />