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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 1, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, AND QUEER PRIDE MONTH <br />PROCLAMATION JUNE 2021 <br />Mayor Stolzmann read the proclamation. <br />Vote: All in favor. <br />ROCKY MOUNTAIN METROPOLITAN AIRPORT ROUNDTABLE UPDATE <br />Assistant City Manager Hogan stated the 2021 City Council Work Plan includes <br />continuing efforts to address noise complaints from RMMA. This includes participating in <br />the Community Noise Roundtable, pursuing formal procedural changes; conducting <br />pilot/industry outreach for voluntary noise abatement procedures; and analyzing <br />2020/2021 operations/complaint data and trends. <br />In 2019, the FAA recommended the establishment of a Community Noise Roundtable as <br />a formal mechanism to advance noise mitigation recommendations that require FAA <br />approval. The roundtable has been meeting since January. Hogan reviewed recent <br />meeting topics including discussion of how to change flight paths and how to address <br />noise issues. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated it is frustrating that it will likely be a multiyear process to change <br />the flight paths. She stated the complaints about airport noise are clearly increasing. She <br />asked if there are ways to reroute air traffic that won't take multiple years. <br />Councilmember Lipton agreed the communities to the north of the airport that suffer the <br />greatest impacts would like change more quickly. However, other communities don't see <br />the urgencies of this. In fact, many support an expansion of the airport. He stated it is <br />important to get the attention of Jefferson County regarding the impacts the airport is <br />having outside their jurisdiction. It will likely be a multiyear process to see any real <br />changes. <br />Councilmember Fahey stated she would like to see the airport be more open to voluntarily <br />reducing some of their impacts. Councilmember Lipton agreed the voluntarily restrictions <br />are nice, but what is really needed is defined flight paths that have fewer impacts on <br />residents. <br />Public Comments <br />Kris Karnasuskas, Louisville resident, stated people cherish their peaceful environment <br />but that is not what we have right now. The current airport director is dedicated to an <br />airport expansion that will bring greater impacts to the residents of Louisville. He stated <br />the data shows that most of the impacts are coming from flight schools. The only thing <br />that will help is continued pressure on the airport and FAA to make changes. <br />