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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 1, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Councilmember Brown agreed the slow pace of change is very frustrating and we need to <br />continue to work on this and get Jefferson County to pay attention. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Maloney agreed. <br />Councilmember Lipton stated we need to have a regional strategy and all the <br />communities will need to work together. Louisville alone is not going to change the minds <br />of the JeffCo Commissioners. We also need to see what legislative options and strategies <br />there might be; we need to work on this on all fronts. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — UNDERPASS CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS <br />Director Kowar stated this is an update of the information staff has to date on underpass <br />designs to be used for a possible ballot measure. This does not include cost estimates. <br />There are preliminary designs for each of the six underpasses. He noted that safety is <br />considered in each design and each is designed to meet the goals of the Transportation <br />Master Plan (TMP). <br />He stated that if a ballot issue passed, staff could possibly have these ready to bid out in <br />late 2022 and be under construction in 2023. He noted cost estimates could change by <br />the time we bid, specifically for those that have construction constraints. <br />Members generally agreed they would like to have art included in the designs if it is cost <br />effective. <br />He reviewed design concepts for the following locations: <br />• South Boulder Road at Via Appia <br />• South Boulder Road at Main Street <br />• Hwy 42 at Short/South/Caledonia <br />• South Boulder Road at Hwy 42 <br />• Powerline Trail at Dillon Road <br />• Bullhead Gulch <br />Members agreed the South Boulder Road at Main design is complicated and finding the <br />right location and design will be difficult. <br />Director Kowar noted that the current plan for the northern most underpass is for it to be <br />at the Bullhead Gulch but staff has gotten feedback that it should be further south to <br />better connect the Lake to Lake Trail. He asked if Council is interested in looking at this <br />alternate location for this underpass. <br />Councilmember Brown left at 7:30 pm <br />Members agreed it makes sense to look at the options of the southern location as it <br />appears to be a better location for connecting paths and could be better for mobility. <br />