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City Council Minutes 2021 05 18
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2021 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2021 05 18
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City Council Records
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City Council Minutes
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 18, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br />Councilmember Lipton stated he thinks the Council should not be in the public health <br />realm and this decision should be left up to staff. <br />Councilmember Leh stated if the Council puts in place a specific rule it may be easier for <br />staff to enforce it rather than a simple recommendation. <br />VOTE: Motion passed 4-3 with Councilmembers Lipton, Dickinson, and Fahey voting no. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1807, SERIES 2021 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17 <br />OF THE LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING BUILDING HEIGHT <br />CALCULATIONS ORDINANCE — 2ND READING —PUBLIC HEARING (advertised Daily <br />Camera 4/15/21) continued from 5/4/21 <br />Mayor Stolzmann introduced the item noting it was continued from May 4. She asked if <br />there were any disclosures; seeing none she reopened the public hearing. <br />Director Zuccaro stated the purpose of this code amendment is to ensure that new <br />development meets the spirit and intent of the height limitations set by zoning and <br />development standards without artificially adding grade to obtain additional building <br />height. It is intended to eliminate the ability for developments to manipulate final grade in <br />order to gain additional building height. The proposal includes: <br />• Changing the definition of "Grade (Ground Level)" to "Natural Grade" where such <br />grade is the elevation of the lot prior to adding fill for either new development or <br />redevelopment. <br />• Creating a section of the code to specify that building plans measuring building <br />height shall be from "Natural Grade" at the average of the highest and lowest <br />corners of the structure. The proposal would allow an exception to add up to an <br />additional twelve inches to the starting point of where the height calculation is <br />measured from if grade is raised for drainage purposes. This is similar to the <br />current allowance that allows up to twelve inches of grade before the measurement <br />must be taken at a point ten feet from the structure. <br />• Removal of current standard to measure grade ten feet from the structure when <br />more than twelve inches of fill is added around the foundation. <br />• Allowing grade to be measured from an over -lot grading plan if approved as part of <br />a final plat, final planned unit development, or general development plan. <br />• If grade has been disturbed prior to development, the Planning Director will <br />determine the natural grade based on the best available topographical information. <br />This could include a survey or GIS elevations. The City currently has 2-foot <br />elevation contours as part of our GIS data that can be used to verify base grade <br />when better information is not available. <br />The existing code allows up to 12 inches of fill at the corners that would not count against <br />your height calculation. Staff is proposing to keep that to allow for good drainage away <br />
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