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SUBJECT: DRAFT COOPERATION AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION MASTER <br />PLAN UNDERPASS IMPROVEMENTS <br />DATE: JUNE 30, 2021 <br />PAGE2OF5 <br />• Main Street & South Boulder Road <br />• Dillon Road & Powerline Trail <br />• Bullhead Gulch <br />• Via Appia Way & South Boulder Road <br />• Hwy 42 @ South Street <br />• South Boulder Road & Hwy 42 <br />The Council emphasized that their goal would be to construct surface crossing <br />improvements at the locations where underpass projects may not be financially feasible <br />within the $50M constraint. Based on the prioritized list, surface only improvements are <br />most likely at Hwy 42/South Street and South Boulder Road/Hwy 42, unless other <br />underpass projects are significantly reduced in scope, additional funding is obtained, or <br />construction costs decrease. It is anticipated the ballot language will be written broadly <br />so that funds can be used to construct the appropriate projects at the locations since <br />designs and estimates will continue to evolve over the next year plus. <br />The funding direction from the LRC varied slightly from the projections and scenarios <br />staff provided on June 16. As such, the chart on the following page reflects the <br />combined $1.25M and $1.5M contributions as timed by the Commission. The <br />contribution schedule also is now aligned with the City's financing plan, which would call <br />for bond issuance in 2023. The chart employs the same assumptions as previous <br />materials, including: <br />• Support services paid to the City of Louisville for administrative, legal, finance, etc.; <br />• Tax Increment Financing refunds to Boulder County (Tri Party Agreement, 2006); <br />• Tax Increment Financing refunds to the Louisville Fire District (2020); <br />• Bond maintenance and paying agent fees paid to US Bank; <br />• Account maintenance and investment fees paid to US Bank and the City of <br />Louisville; and <br />• Principal and interest payments on the outstanding bonds. <br />Agenda Packet P. 3 <br />