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Q. <br />A. <br />If the property remains RM/RL and the applicant comes forward with a PUD. <br />would we at that point be able to grant some kind of relief in terms of the number <br />units that could be placed. <br />Yes. The RL zone district does permit, as a special review use, multi -family <br />development. <br />Paul Wood - Going back to the map archives - the 1990 and 1992 reflect the RM designation. <br />If you extended Harper Street through to Garfield that is shown as part of the park in 92 and <br />93. The 1993 map showed that portion of Middle School Park south of the Harper Street <br />right-of-way was no longer part of the park. After 93 it is consistent with the property <br />exchange. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />To Staff - What map is distributed to citizens when they come in for one. <br />We usually have the most current map available. The current map was completed <br />in December of 1993. Since that time that would have been the map distributed. <br />Prior to that date it would have been the earlier version which may have <br />incorrectly shown the park boundaries. <br />Applicant's Summary - The applicant did not have a summary. <br />Staff Summary and Recommendation - Staff has prepared Resolution # 1, Series 1995, which <br />recommends of approval of the rezoning from RL and RM to RM residential medium density <br />with the following condition: A minimum 25 foot building setback shall be required from the <br />west property line. These required setbacks shall be landscaped and a six foot high solid fence <br />constructed along the property line. <br />Public Hearing Closed Commission Discussion/Motion <br />Commissioner Lipton - Let me start by saying that I am somewhat flexible and amenable to a <br />change in zoning for this property. I think the proposed RM zoning is not inconsistent with <br />surrounding existing land uses. However, I have some concerns about how we go about doing <br />that. I am concerned about the shape of the property, access to the property, drainage of the <br />property, the impacts to the surrounding neighborhood as well as the impacts to the existing <br />City Park. I feel very uncomfortable about taking an action that would permit someone by use <br />of right to develop the property into something that may adversely impact someone else in the <br />area. I think I would be willing to look at, at least for an action today, keeping the existing <br />zoning and then allowing the applicant to come back with a PUD and try to work with the <br />applicant to address all the concerns. I am amenable to slightly increasing the overall density. <br />However, I also reserve a healthy skepticism as to what the ultimate density would turn out to <br />be given some of the constraints on the development of the property. I am amenable to <br />working with you and looking at the higher density. I am not so sure I could support this <br />approach to doing it. This then would not result in a PUD that would come back to us. <br />6 <br />