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A. Peter Kernkamp - The primary difference is that when that goes to the building <br />department and planning department there is not an opportunity for a public <br />hearing on the process. <br />Q. So the question would be - Would you be agreeable to further public input and <br />redefining this process through a PUD application? <br />A. Yes. I don't see any problem with that. <br />Chairperson Boulet entered into the record the letter dated December 14th which was written <br />to the Commission by Susan Foster and apparently agreed to by a number of her neighbors. <br />He then requested some clarification to some issues with this. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />That is about 80% of the west property line of what we are talking about here. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />Q. <br />A. <br />As I understand it from the center line of Harper Street all the way north the <br />property is zoned RM? <br />That is correct. <br />To Applicant - Have you given any thought about what type of development you <br />would put on this property if the southern portion remained RL. <br />No I have not. <br />To Staff - Is the zoning of Scenic Heights RM? <br />No. Scenic Heights is zoned RE. <br />Then the northern piece of this is RM, the southern piece is the RL on some maps <br />that has been erroneously indicated as part of the Middle School Park? <br />The current map shows the configuration as being white space, whereas the park is <br />indicated in green. I am not sure as to what maps prior to the current map show, I <br />would have to research that. <br />To Staff - Could we add a condition to the resolution of a PUD submittal if we did <br />rezone the parcel to RM? <br />A. That was my initial inclination. I did consult with the City attorney with regard to <br />that issue. The concern that he expressed about attaching conditions to a rezoning <br />is that there be some sort of authorization, either in the ordinance or the statues, to <br />do that. As a result of looking at that issue we found the section that dealt with the <br />permanent screen strips or other devices. The other potential 'alternative, in light <br />of the fact that there are two or three other potential sites in Louisville that this <br />same sort of issue may come up, that could by right build the multi -family without <br />any opportunity for public review, is to amend the ordinance text to add a <br />provision similar to the provision that is already in the ordinance for commercial <br />and office develop. That requires all development over a certain size to go through <br />the PUD process. <br />Q. What would the time line be on that? <br />A That type of ordinance would not be difficult to draft. Probably a 90 day time <br />period would be realistic. <br />5 <br />