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Peter Kernkamp - There would still be a few that would not be conforming. Even if a home with <br />a one foot setback burned down, there would be some building codes issues with regard to fire <br />safety. <br />Q. Would it be possible to determine how many lots would still be non -conforming under the <br />new PUD overlay? <br />A. In terms of lots, we are not suggesting any change, so all the lots that are currently non- <br />conforming will remain so. It terms of a complete survey to identify homes that would still <br />have non -conforming setbacks, it would be difficult to get a complete sense of that. We <br />could certainly do some type of survey to identify where those would be. Most of the <br />problems will be on the 25 foot lots, and the 50 lots to some degree. With the 75 foot lots <br />it is not much of a hardship to comply to the zoning. <br />Q. Are you recommending 27 feet as a restriction on the building height? <br />A. Not especially. What I was suggesting is, that when you get relief from a setback, part of <br />the trade off would be to give up some building height. <br />Q. What about reducing the floor area ratio as the building gets taller? <br />A. I think that was something I referred to in terms of the lot coverage. If the lot coverage was <br />increased, there would be some upper limit on building height. I will look into that a little <br />more closely. <br />Public Comments/Input - There was none. <br />Announcements/Adjourn <br />Paul Wood - McStain will be going to City Council on September 20. The Homart applications - <br />McDonald's, ShopKo and the replat, will be going to Council on September 6. <br />Peter Kernkamp - I have spoken to the Architect for 1st Bank and indicated to him that the <br />landscaping would need to be addressed prior to final inspections and issuance of Certificate of <br />Occupancy. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. <br />7 <br />