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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 8, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Moline moved to approve Resolution 9, Series 2021. Howe seconded. Motion passed <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />769 CTC Blvd PUD and plat: A request for approval of a PUD to allow an industrial <br />building and associated site improvements and a replat to consolidate two lots into one <br />(Resolution No. 11, Series 2021). CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 2021. <br />• Applicant: Andrew Graybar, Exeter Property Group <br />• Case Planner: Ellie Hassan, Planner II <br />All notice requirements were met. <br />Hassan described the application, which included an industrial building proposal and a <br />lot consolidation. Staff found that the proposal met the relevant criteria and had added a <br />condition regarding additional landscaping and a retaining wall. Hassan stated that the <br />applicant had agreed to the condition. <br />Diehl asked for clarification on the location of the property and Planner Hassan <br />described the parcels, stating that the property to the west was unincorporated. <br />Diehl asked about the landscaping buffer. <br />Hassan replied that the IDDSG usually required a smaller landscape buffer, but since <br />this was considered agriculturally zoned and it was more of a residential space by use, <br />the IDDSG required a 25-foot landscape buffer between uses, which the applicant <br />provided. <br />Matt Adams, 2975 Grove Street in Denver, described the site layout, stating that they <br />had used the previously approved PUD as a guideline. Modifications to that plan <br />included adding outdoor amenity areas for employees and pedestrian connectivity and <br />the deferred parking to be trigger if a use required additional parking. <br />Justin McCarthy, 1980 North Pennsylvania Street in Denver, stated that they were <br />meeting and exceeding what's there right now. <br />Diehl asked if there had been any conversations or collaborations with the neighbor who <br />had sent comments to staff and the Commission. <br />Hassan replied that staff had put the resident and applicants in touch. <br />Blake Esfeld, 5979 North Fulton in Denver, stated that they had contacted the neighbor <br />about providing the buffer zone. He stated they were willing to work with him regarding <br />any additional requests. <br />The Commission asked Mr. Esfeld to display the buffer that affected the adjacent <br />property owner, and Mr. Esfeld showed the rendering. <br />Adams stated that they hoped they had brought a project that fit into the CTC and were <br />working with staff on the condition that staff proposed. <br />i <br />