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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 27, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />The resolution would lay out the priority of the six projects with the intent to complete all <br />six within the $51 M budget. Council will need to finalize that priority list before approving <br />the resolution. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated the community has been asking for these improvements for a <br />long time. She thanked the LRC for their funding commitment. The Council has found <br />significant internal funding to minimize the need to levy property tax to pay for these and <br />Council is committed to that. This resolution will capture the intent of what the Council <br />wants to do and how they want to pay for it. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated he believes these all can be done primarily using internal <br />funds and minimizing the property tax impacts and that is clearly the intent of the City <br />Council. He asked the Council to consider moving the Highway 42 and Short Street <br />underpass to number two on the priority list so the Council can leverage the greatest <br />amount of money from the LRC. <br />Councilmember Leh stated the bond number is large therefore we need to be clear with <br />residents that the plan is to use existing fund for these as much as possible. He agreed <br />the Highway 42 and Short Street project should be moved to number two on the priority <br />list so that the Council is taking full advantage of the available funds from the LRC. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked if there was consensus to move the Highway 42 and Short Street <br />project to number two on the list. All members except Councilmember Brown supported <br />that change. Councilmember Brown supported moving it to number 3. <br />Councilmember Dickinson stated the resolution is important to explain to people Council <br />truly does intend to pay for the improvements from existing funds. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked if this resolution would then require Council to pay for the <br />improvements in the way it lays out. Crawford stated the resolution lays out an intended <br />plan but it is not binding to future Councils. <br />Councilmember Lipton noted his concern that this does not bind future Councils to pay for <br />the improvements in this way. He would like the language made more flexible so that if <br />there is a better option than an underpass these funds could be used for that. <br />Councilmember Brown agreed the intent of the resolution is important and he hopes <br />future councils will understand the intent that is being made here and stick to it. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked if there was consensus the Council is committed to a $1.5M <br />contribution from the CIP fund each year with an inflationary factor to keep the payment at <br />the same level over the years. There was consensus on that commitment. <br />