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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 24, 2021 <br />Page 9 of 10 <br />Members asked that a discussion of the local minimum wage and a discussion of the <br />number of unrelated persons allowed to live together be items included on the possible <br />2022 work plan. <br />Members asked Councilmember Brown to get information from the Consortium of Cities <br />on where they are currently on this, where the possible County tax is, and what the plans <br />are for how it would be spent. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — AMENDMENT TO SINGLE USE BAG TAX ORDINANCE <br />Sustainability Coordinator Katie Baum stated that this year the State Legislature passed <br />HB 1162 which establishes a temporary fee on plastic bags and permanent fee on paper <br />bags; phases out single -use plastic bags used by corporate or franchised stores; bans <br />Styrofoam to -go containers at retail food establishments Jan. 1, 2024; and removes the <br />local preemption on plastic materials. She reviewed the timing of this new law and how it <br />interacts with the new Louisville bag tax. She noted the State rules do not include small <br />stores and restaurants which the Louisville tax does. <br />She reviewed the differences in the two laws. The Louisville tax effects all Louisville <br />retailers with an exemption for farmers' markets and temporary vendors while HB 1162 <br />does not include small stores but does include farmers' market vendors. The small store <br />exemption if for any store with three or fewer locations in the state. <br />Staff recommends making changes to the Louisville rules to require remittance quarterly, <br />and to make it easier for our vendors to comply with both laws, staff is recommending the <br />City continue to collect a standard $.25 tax from all stores and administratively divide it <br />into separate accounts for the tax and the fee, so that the funds may be spent in <br />compliance with use restrictions on the state bag fee then crediting the State's portion. <br />This would provide consistency of $.25 charge across all stores in Louisville. <br />Public Comments — None. <br />Mayor Stolzmann proposed removing the exemption of farmers' markets in the Louisville <br />ordinance. She does not support the credit option as it she feels it makes the smaller <br />stores pay a higher rate than the bigger stores. <br />Councilmember Brown stated he wants to stay as close as possible to the original intent <br />of the ballot language. He would support the new State fee being charged on top of the <br />City's tax. <br />Councilmember Dickinson supports removing the farmers' market exemption and <br />supports charging everyone the 25 cents to keep it consistent for all Louisville <br />businesses. <br />