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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked about the Regional Workforce Development Program. Director <br />Pierce stated this program would be paid for from ARPA funding for an agreement with <br />the Boulder Small Business Development Center to provide specialized services for <br />workshops and training to local businesses. These are services we don't have the <br />capability to provide in house. Staff will bring back additional information. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked for a review of the proposal to expand the museum. He <br />noted the last citizen survey showed little interest in a tax increase to expand the <br />museum. He noted his concern of budgeting $200K on a plan for expansion for a project <br />that our citizens may not be that interested in. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney agreed with Councilmember Lipton. A new facility here would be <br />costly and also have additional ongoing operating costs. He suggested removing from the <br />budget. <br />Councilmember Fahey disagreed saying the Museum is important to town and the only <br />way it will be done is to get a design and full understanding of the cost. The information is <br />needed to begin fund raising. <br />Sharon Nemechek, Library and Museum Services, noted the plan is to use some of this <br />new space for storage for archives to preserve the cultural history of Louisville for future <br />generations. It is a necessity for the City. <br />Councilmember Dickinson stated he was concerned that this design could be $200K on <br />something that will never be built. <br />Mayor Stolzmann agreed. She asked why we can't use the existing design we have to <br />start to generate interest and then we would know if there is a real chance of getting it <br />built. If storage is the issue we can provide that outside of an entire new building. <br />Consensus was to have a special meeting on this topic. <br />Councilmember Lipton asked for more information on what is being considered for the <br />proposed Front Street Plaza area. Councilmember Dickinson stated it was to look at <br />concepts on better ways to activate the spaces on Front Street for City uses. <br />Members were in agreement that discussions should continue on this to determine some <br />options but most felt no large, expensive changes were necessary. The item will be left in <br />for now with more details discussed with the 2023 budget. <br />Mayor Stolzmann proposed the need for an EV transition plan incorporated in next year's <br />budget. Members agreed. <br />Councilmember Leh asked for consideration of additional dog parks to be added to a later <br />budget. <br />