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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 14, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />Public Comments <br />Larry Donner, 1020 West Willow Place, asked the landscaping maintenance be prioritized <br />and completed as soon as possible including the total replacement of irrigation, dead turf, <br />and dead trees. He stated there needs to be a realistic plan to address this. <br />Maggie Harper, 1157 Harper Lake Drive, noted much work is needed on the Harper Lake <br />and Washington Street corridors. The area residents agree the City needs to do <br />something to address these issues urgently specifically the turf and trees. She would like <br />to see a comprehensive 5-10 year plan to address these items. <br />Mayor Stolzmann reviewed the items for staff to address for the next meeting. <br />Mayor Stolzmann confirmed with the other members that everyone was comfortable with <br />adjusting the turnback targets to address the out year deficits. Members agreed to that <br />change. <br />/_10116111 N Z I <br />Members adjourned at 8:10 pm. <br />