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Recreation Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2021 11 22
2021 Recreation Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Recreation Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2021 11 22
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11/22/2021 2:39:08 PM
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Recreation Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />October 25, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Staff Updates <br />Recreation and Senior Services Update <br />Kathy Martin provided an update on programming at the Recreation Center. <br />• Youth activities went well during the summer, with good participation. Fall <br />preschool is back in session, and onsite daycare is back with limited hours. <br />Children have enjoyed special events, such as the Fairy House Walk. <br />• Sports camps with the Skyhawk contractor were very successful. The tennis <br />program was popular for both youth and adults. Softball, baseball, youth soccer, <br />and flag football programs had strong participation. Indoor soccer will begin in <br />January. <br />• Outdoor summer fitness classes were successful. Spin classes were held outside. <br />Water aerobics and Fluid Running classes were popular at Memory Square Pool <br />throughout the summer. Indoor fitness classes still have low participation, with the <br />exception of classes for seniors. Zoom fitness classes are still offered, with over <br />1000 visits per month. <br />• Memory Square attendance started strong in the the summer, and then faded. <br />Group swim lessons have been challenging, due to COVID protocols and the <br />difficulty in hiring. The Monarch girls' swim team will start practicing in the evening <br />in November. <br />• Staffing is a major issue; there have been no applications for some positions. It is <br />very challenging to return to full programming when it is so hard to hire staff. The <br />City hired a new Human Resources director, who will be looking at options to <br />attract employees. RAB members mentioned options such as flex schedules, more <br />part-time employment, and changes in pay scale. However, we also acknowledge <br />that this is a national problem. <br />• One RAB member mentioned that several community members expressed interest <br />in attending a ski conditioning class. Kathy replied that the challenge is to find an <br />instructor for the class. <br />• Deb Fahey asked about the rate of air exchange in the Rec Center and Senior <br />Center. Nathan reported that a new HVAC system was installed in the renovation, <br />so the air exchange rate is good. Deb suggested that this should be publicized, <br />with specific information, which might make people more comfortable about <br />exercising in the building. <br />Nathan presented the Q3 Recreation Dashboard. <br />• The good news is that visits to the rec center have increased, although admittedly <br />this is compared to 2020, when the building was closed for several months. <br />Revenue is up from last year, and summer outdoor programs brought in more <br />money. Expenditures were up 8% from last year, and staff worked hard to keep <br />expenses down. The net change to fund the balance is $684,799. Given the <br />current environment, with a county mask mandate, the finances were in a better <br />position than expected. <br />3 <br />
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