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LL City,�f , <br />Louisville <br />PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE <br />Parks and Public Landscaping Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />Thursday 04 Nov, 2021 <br />Note: Meeting held electronically <br />7 PM <br />1. Roll Call: PPLAB members present Laurie Harford, Ellen Toon, Shelly Alm; Nathan Mosley, Director of <br />Parks, Recreation and Open Space, Citizen Guest Kevin Moynihan, Citizen Guest Susan Loo, Guest <br />Council member Deb Fahey <br />2. Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved <br />3. Approval of Minutes: Approved with correction: Ellen and Dave Clabots are up for re-election to the <br />board. <br />4. Staff Updates <br />• Reminder: Board applications due November 05 <br />5. Board Updates <br />• None <br />6. Public Comments on Items Not on Agenda <br />• Ellen: Citizen Susan Loo sent an email expressing a reminder to Parks and Public Works to work <br />together to collect and dispose of the leaves in the Washington Avenue corridor from Harper <br />Lake to West Hickory and in Sunflower Park. <br />i. Leaf debris piles up in the gutters and clogs storm drainage as well as piling up in the rock <br />mulch providing organic matter to encourage weed growth. <br />ii. The neighborhoods appreciate the preliminary work on tree pruning and suggest additional <br />review. <br />• Citizen Kevin Moynihan: Introduced a suggested need for a bike park in Louisville. <br />i. Expansion of the dirt bike path in Community Park would be a starting point. <br />ii. Larger bike park at the Rec Center: asphalt track <br />iii. Nathan suggested that a bike trail could be incorporated into the "fun routes to schools" <br />projects, such as the Powerline Trail traveling from the Rec Center. Bike Park idea is a great <br />starting point and would require community involvement. A pilot project could involve <br />community volunteers. <br />iv. Kevin: excited to discuss pilot project involving volunteers, will discuss with Nathan and <br />Dean Johnson and bring some ideas back to the board. <br />7. Municipal Code changes related to Prohibited Activities in Parks <br />• Review of sledding activities as appears in the municipal code section 4.04.010 pertaining to the <br />Open Space code. <br />