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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 11, 2021 <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />He was not sure that 55+ was as crucial for our city as housing was in general. He <br />appreciated having more commercial and noted that, yes, it cost the City to serve those <br />residential areas but at the same time there was a need in the community and each site <br />did not necessarily have to balance itself financially. <br />Howe asked if this was the right time to develop the area because we know that things <br />are constantly changing. He thought that the changes that had been made were <br />appropriate and would serve the community and add a neighborhood feeling to the <br />Steel ranch area. He saw a need to decouple senior housing and 55+ and noted that <br />the Council remarks included references to senior housing and he had not seen a <br />discussion in the minutes of 55+. He agreed with the comments about making a motion <br />to remove the 55+ deed restriction. He agreed with the Mayor that they were making it <br />too easy to get out of affordability with the fee -in -lieu option. <br />Brauneis stated that the affordable housing ordinance was written five months ago and <br />if the goal was that in all circumstances they had to build the units then he would have <br />expected a different law. He would love to see the units built but given the law the fee <br />was an option. He noted that commercial was forever changing and that there was more <br />surrounding Louisville than there ever was before. He did think that 55+ was what <br />Council wanted to see and he asked how this was getting at diversity issues. He <br />observed that requiring 55+ would allow for de facto accessible design and noted that <br />that product had been provided elsewhere within Steel Ranch without those <br />requirements. Because the applicant had proposed the 55+ units, he was okay with <br />proceeding with that language and he thought that was what it would take for Council to <br />approve it. <br />Williams stated that people 55 and over wanted to stay in Louisville and using the deed <br />restrictions or mandating was how to get there. She added that it was poor city planning <br />to have residential on a major highway and if there were any changes made to this she <br />would vote no. <br />Diehl echoed that he did not view the Commission's role as facilitating the development <br />of every undeveloped property in the city. It was to approve or reject the application <br />based on whether it met the relevant documents and public comment. He noted that <br />there had been arguments made about the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance that the <br />fee -in -lieu would increase home prices overall. He stated that there would be a lottery <br />and these would be sold in a week or less and that was a drop in the bucket regarding <br />the housing shortage and affordability. <br />Howe responded to Commissioner Williams' comments, noting that south of South <br />Boulder there were residential areas along Highway 42 so this would not be the only <br />residential area on 42. <br />Williams pointed out that it was 55 mph coming southbound from Longmont and was <br />lower once you left the Hecla area, making north and south of South Boulder Road <br />vastly different. <br />Moline stated that he thought this proposal met the Comp Plan and was compliant with <br />all of the planning issues per the Code. An important part of their deliberation was to <br />