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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 11, 2021 <br />Page 7 of 12 <br />Ritchie stated that staff continued to recommend support and added that given some of <br />the policies in the Comp Plan the Commission could find that it further supports the <br />Comp Plan policies for housing. <br />Hoefner stated that he appreciated the applicant for coming back a third time and that <br />he found the instruction, or lack thereof, from Council a little puzzling in terms of why it <br />was coming back to the Commission. He did not have an objection to the change from <br />15 to 20,000 square feet. He had a strong objection to the 55+ requirement due to a <br />practical concern around enforcement and tracking of occupancy. He noted that the <br />public comment regarding design could be addressed in the PUD stage and he did not <br />have an issue with that. He stated that it was within the developers' prerogative to bring <br />a design that made sense, though he was not suggesting there wasn't a need but he <br />thought it was bad policy to issue a restrictive deed covenant saying who can live in <br />particular homes. He understood that there was an exemption under the FHA but just <br />because you can do it doesn't mean you should. He noted that the Commission would <br />be hesitant to restrict housing to most other classes of people. He stated that it would <br />be a mistake to lock in a permanent restriction when future situations may change and <br />he would probably be supporting an amendment to that end. <br />Diehl stated that his opinion on residential versus commercial was well -documented and <br />given that Council did not have an issue with that piece he asked if he should set aside <br />his opposition there and focus on the two issues that Council had identified. <br />Brauneis replied that procedurally there were no requirements or guidance and that <br />Commissioner Diehl could comment on what he wanted to comment on. <br />Diehl reiterated his previous opposition, stating that there would be situations when land <br />was zoned for commercial and was sitting vacant. He thought they would continue to <br />see owners and applicants say that they could not develop that land due to the market, <br />but it was his contention that there was a bit of a holding period and the carrying cost <br />was very low for investment property today and they could hold property. He understood <br />that residents would want things to move along and that developers had the ability to <br />wait out citizens and commission members. He stated that he was aligned with <br />Commissioner Hoefner on not requiring 55+ and stated that it was an artificial construct <br />to put on a $750,000 square foot townhome. He was in favor of more commercial <br />overall so he supported the increase in commercial. <br />Williams respectfully disagreed with Commissioner Hoefner on the 55+ restriction. The <br />55+ was accompanied by the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance restriction and those <br />were similar restrictions. She noted that other cities had no issues with the 55+. She <br />stated that it was important that this development serves the neighborhood and the <br />South Boulder Road Small Area Plan addressed this Highway 42 corridor, focusing on <br />the direction for residential properties in that corridor. She stated that she also did not <br />think they were meeting their fiduciary responsibilities regarding commercial in this area. <br />Moline stated that he was in support of the overall concept as he had been at a previous <br />hearing. He shared reservations about the 55+ restriction for reasons Commissioners <br />Hoefner and Diehl stated. He saw that the applicant was willing to comply with the <br />Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and that inclusive housing and 55+ were not the same. <br />