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Sustainability Advisory Board Agenda <br />November 17 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />pay for) to reduce emissions would be very useful. Todd asked how we can <br />make Katie's presentation more accessible to City Council along these lines. <br />9. 7:20 PM Discussion Item: 2022 LSAB Planning and <br />Implementation <br />Todd gave a presentation to introduce his ideas about our work plan for 2022. <br />Todd recommended that we focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the <br />City as that is the principal scientific recommendation, which would entail <br />focusing on the climate, energy, and transportation aspects of the Sustainability <br />Action Plan. Todd's central idea is to electrify everything and then to source <br />renewably -produced electricity (a la Bill Gates). Since the electrical grid is <br />gradually transitioning to renewable energy, we should concentrate on the City's <br />fossil fuel usage. Todd then presented estimates of fossil fuel usage at his own <br />home. Tiffany pointed out we should ensure good communication to the <br />community around greenhouse gas emission reductions. Katie expressed two <br />concerns about focusing on electrification: equity in light of an upcoming Xcel <br />Energy rate increase and efficiency as an important route to pursue. Todd then <br />presented his work plan priorities as follows. <br />1. Reduce fossil fuel usage at residential properties. <br />2. Reduce fossil fuel usage at commercial and industrial properties. <br />3. Advance electric vehicle usage and reduce ICE vehicle usage. <br />4. Draft an LSAB budget. <br />5. Work with Superior and Lafayette on sustainability. <br />6. Raise community awareness of sustainability and our efforts. <br />7. Elevate sustainability with the City and City Council. <br />Katie noted that there are already efforts towards a community electric vehicle <br />road map and that there will likely be a budget amendment to fund free <br />residential energy advising. Tiffany added that we should expand sustainability <br />messaging in our schools. Dan noted his support for working with our <br />neighboring communities. Todd continued that he would like to create <br />subcommittees to work on the first three priorities. In particular, these <br />subcommittees would build and execute works plans for 2022, hold meetings <br />possibly open to the public, report back to LSAB monthly, and create plans and a <br />budget for 2023. Katie raised concerns about the necessity of properly noticing <br />subcommittee meetings if more than two LSAB members attend. Mark noted the <br />benefits of having more than two LSAB members in attendance while Dan noted <br />the efficiency of working one-on-one. Katie suggested that the subcommittees <br />might only want to hold public meetings occasionally. <br />Subcommittee assignments corresponding to the work plan priorities. <br />1. Todd and Josh <br />2. Mark and Seth (and new LSAB member) <br />3. Dan and Tiffany <br />