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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 11, 2021 <br />Page 3of9 <br />so long. He hoped that this project would be the impetus for a nicer environment and <br />stated that the alleys were an important walkway for downtown. <br />Hoefner asked if the amplified music was through midnight. <br />Johnson confirmed. <br />Brauneis asked staff to speak to the role of setbacks from a planning and design <br />perspective. <br />Ritchie responded that the 20-foot setback in the Code served to help buffer <br />development from the existing residential or commercial properties, to allow for service <br />and vehicular in the alley for the back -of -house functions, and, when possible, to allow a <br />parking space or two. The waiver request was for a canopy in the rear that would buffer <br />the residences as well and offer some weather protection for the development. <br />Moline stated that he appreciated all the perspectives and views of the proposal, which <br />gave a good idea of how the building would fit into the block. He asked who was <br />responsible for the maintenance in the small areas between the buildings. <br />Johnson thanked Commissioner Moline and stated that there was just enough space to <br />do some painting and siding replacement and noted that there was an easement <br />between 801 and 809 Main. On the right side there was a walkable concrete gutter with <br />a collection basin that tied directly to the storm sewer, which provided space for <br />maintenance and was mostly the neighbor's easement. He noted that it would be a <br />discussion if the property to the north ever developed, but in general there had been <br />good precedent and acceptance that these kinds of places exist downtown. <br />Williams asked how long the construction was expected to last, if there was a tenant, <br />and if there would be any heating on the rooftop. <br />Johnson replied that the rooftop structure provided for retractable shade sales and <br />could accommodate heating if the tenant so chose. That would be a tenant finish <br />choice. There was no specific tenant in mind, but there were lots of candidates. He <br />shared that they had PG Arnold on board to do logistical analysis for the Historic <br />Preservation Commission process, because it was a tight site with almost no availability <br />to stock materials or dirt. He stated that if construction was faster than a year they <br />would be happy. <br />Dana Busa of Tebo Properties added that a year would be more reasonable. <br />Williams asked where the outdoor music would be and if there would be any other <br />windows other than the one on the south side of the building. <br />Johnson replied that there were no other windows because they were on the lot line <br />wall, and any windows would require fire -rated, expensive glass and window assembly. <br />That's why there was a little bit of a roof deck and a recess. The music location was <br />currently fluid and flexible. Having it projecting toward Main Street was the most <br />