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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 11, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />Howe stated that you had him at 809. He commiserated with the amplified music <br />concerns from nearby residents, but noted that the music requests were consistent with <br />the downtown area. He stated that this was a nice opportunity to renovate a building <br />that had not been in use for in a long time. It met all of the requirements and he <br />appreciated the presentation and the effort to fulfill all of the obligations with few <br />waivers. He stated that a 20-foot rear setback was appropriate. <br />Moline concurred and appreciated the applicant's attention to fitting the building into the <br />lot and the attention to architecture overall. He noted that it was an important part of <br />downtown and this would be an improvement over what was there currently. He shared <br />Commissioner Howe's comments on outdoor music. He appreciated the design to aim <br />the music toward Main Street. He was ready to support the proposal without conditions <br />and he agreed that the project was compliant. He was supported the waiver. <br />Hoefner agreed with the previous comments and thought it was a great project and a <br />great way to use the space. His one comment was that the issue of outdoor music had <br />been recurring and it felt like the approach was ad hoc. He suggested established <br />guidelines to ensure that they were treating like conditions alike, recognizing that these <br />conditions may last past current owners. <br />Williams stated that after reviewing all of the buildings that could have music until <br />midnight, she regretted that the Commission had given Moxie a different restriction. She <br />thought the Downtown Design Standards and the SRU standards were well done by the <br />architect. It seemed like he read everything and checked it off, which she appreciated. <br />She loved the historic preservation, restoration, and renovation, in addition to the new <br />building. She thought it was a good project and was good for downtown. <br />Brauneis stated that he supported the proposal and he appreciated Commissioner <br />Hoefner's comments on uniformity for outdoor music. He thought this was a good way <br />to save a historic storefront and breathe new life into it. <br />Moline moved to approve Resolution 3, Series 2021. Hoefner seconded. Motion passed <br />unanimously by roll call vote. <br />LMC Amendment — Building Height Calculation Code Amendment: Request for <br />approval of a draft ordinance amending the Louisville Municipal Code Title 17, Zoning, <br />concerning building height calculations (Resolution 4, Series 2021). <br />o Applicant: City of Louisville <br />o Case Manager: Rob Zuccaro, Director of Planning and Building Safety <br />Public notice was met. <br />Zuccaro explained that there had been concerns that some residential properties in Old <br />Town manipulated grade to gain building height and that there was a loophole in the <br />Code that they may want to address. He noted that there was always at least some <br />buildup around the foundation of a house to provide drainage and under the current <br />Code, staff would take the highest and lowest corners and average them together for <br />the average grade, producing the maximum allowed height. He shared that the last <br />amendment in 2015 could allow building up the grade around the house to get some <br />