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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />February 3, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />• Planning/Building put a survey out to those who lost their homes related to <br />insurance and rebuilding. They have over 250 responses in one day a hope to <br />review the data by next week. <br />• Pike Peak Court and Mt Evans Court should have water back on today or <br />tomorrow. There are five homes still remaining without water; those should have <br />service by Monday. <br />• Staff is reviewing 2022 CIP projects for prioritization. <br />• We are working with our insurance provider and meeting with FEMA about our <br />public assistance application. <br />• Working to make sure we aren't duplicating efforts and resources across multiple <br />meetings with various jurisdictions. <br />• One Community unity campaign underway, working on banners and ways to <br />share that message. Looking at signage options in the community so people <br />know what work is underway. <br />• Library lost about $15,000 worth of materials in the fire, looking into if insurance <br />or FEMA would reimburse and the Library Foundation has offered to help. <br />• FEMA has funded a disaster legal service hotline (877-370-1216) it will be free <br />for impacted property owners. They may be able to help with some insurance <br />issues (not broad under insurance issues) but specific claim issues, contracts, <br />power of attorney, etc. <br />• United Policy Holders will host a "how to read and understand your policy" <br />meeting on February 9 (6 pm) and a survivor to survivor forum February 15 (6 <br />pm). <br />Councilmember Brown stated many of the neighborhoods have homes standing near <br />what will be a construction zone so minimizing impacts on the neighborhoods will be <br />helpful. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated the SBA has given out loans to 372 families loans so far totally <br />over $62 million in funding. <br />Mayor Stolzmann thanked our congressional delegation, the insurance commissioner, <br />and the Attorney General's office for their continued help as well as the County and <br />Superior. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated neighborhoods are starting to try to vie for priority in <br />debris removal queue. It would be helpful to have the information on how that will be <br />done and an understanding of how neighborhoods will be prioritized. City Manager <br />Durbin stated there will be a process including looking where there are environmental <br />concerns that need to be addressed. <br />Councilmember Leh stated there will be a report coming from insurance commissioner <br />later this month and asked Councilmember Brown if he had information about what will <br />be in it. Councilmember Brown stated the insurance commissioner has put out a data <br />