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<br />Resource Conservation Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />DATE <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />program had been listed on the City Website, and made available to residents <br />via pamphlets at City Hall and the Library. They also discussed some options <br />for greater energy-use efficiency in the City, such as options for P-V Panels at <br />the Recreation Center with a program offered by Sun-Edison. It was noted <br />that LRCAB expects to hear a presentation about such program options from <br />city resident Gerry Christensen at a future meeting. <br /> <br />VIII. Review Status of New City Refuse/Recyclables/Compostables- <br />Collection Services: Tom Phare reported the proposed city-wide service <br />contract was approved unanimously by City Council at their Jan-6th meeting. <br />He also reported that Western Disposal had been selected as the service <br />contractor. The contract period is five years, and the new program is expected <br />to be implemented in late Spring 2009. There was some discussion about <br />service options and associated fees. <br /> <br />IX: LRCAB Goals & Projects for 2009: Members were asked about particular <br />goals-programs-projects they would like the board to pursue in 2009. <br />Richard Smith wants us to reduce water usage, such as landscape irrigation; <br />reduce city electrical usage, such as street & public-area lighting. <br />Beth Armbruster concurs with Richard, and wants us to check back with <br />Facilities Manager David Svabados about electrical usage at city buildings. <br />She also wants us to pursue some kind of program to redistribute reusable <br />shopping bags. <br />Annie Hughes concurs with Beth about the reuse of shopping bags, and <br />would like the City to consider a ban on single-use plastic bags. She also <br />wants us to continue to pursue some kind of green-building codes, preferably <br />performance-based criteria like those in Boulder County's Build-Smart <br />program. <br />Mark Persichetti also wants to pursue some kind of green-building codes, for <br />both residential and commercial sectors, for new construction and remodel <br />projects. He also wants us to repeat the LED holiday-lights exchange program <br />in late 2009. <br />Tom Phare pointed out that City Staff & Council would like all city boards to <br />work to develop timelines and specificity for their goals. Once we have goals <br />defined with a plan to achieve them, we can schedule a meeting with City <br />Council to discuss our goals at one of their study sessions. <br /> <br />X. Pesticides Use at Harney-Lastoka Open-Space property & Impacts on <br />Kerr Community Gardens: Annie Hughes told us about problems for <br />gardeners at the Kerr Community Gardens, resulting from the spraying of <br />herbicides/pesticides on the remainder of the Harney-Lastoka open space by <br />the tenant farmer. She noted that many garden plants wilted or simply didn't <br />reach maturity, and some gardeners may not renew their plot reservations. <br />She also noted it has been difficult to determine which particular herbicides/ <br />pesticides have been used, what the longer-term effects may be for produce <br />grown next season, and who in particular is responsible for overseeing such <br />