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Economic Vitality Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 18, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />residents are still dealing with pressing issues. He continued that this Forum <br />may be a great opportunity for the business community to interact directly with <br />staff as well as City Council. Chair Dickinson concluded that it may be helpful to <br />have Mayor Stolzmann and members of the EVC speak as well. <br />Councilmember Most questioned what feedback the City has received from the <br />business community. Director Pierce explained that there was a joint Louisville, <br />Superior, and Boulder County business impact survey which received over 100 <br />responses from Louisville businesses. The survey sought to identify business <br />closures, impacts to revenue, insurance issues, etc. for businesses affected by <br />the Marshall Fire. <br />Councilmember Fahey expressed interest in hearing what the business <br />community may like to hear as a topic. Chair Dickinson questioned whether the <br />Business Forum is envisioned as an annual event or semi-annual event. <br />Director Pierce responded that two events a year would be feasible but that <br />feedback from the first event would likely determine whether or not a second <br />iteration would be held later this year. <br />The Committee concurred that resiliency and recovery should be the target <br />topic moving forward. The Committee also agreed that the location, venue, <br />timing, and date of the event all make sense and gave direction to staff. <br />Public comment from Rick Kron: Mr. Kron commented that having the Mayor <br />and Committee members speak would be a good idea. He also emphasized <br />that any outside speaker should be given a fairly short allotment of time as they <br />may not be as in -tune with the local business community. Mr. Kron closed his <br />comments by mentioning that morning meetings are generally better for <br />members of the Downtown Business Association and that he would be in favor <br />of having the Business Forum twice a year. <br />V11. Discussion/Direction- Marshall Fire Business Impacts: Director Pierce gave <br />an overview of the business impacts resulting from the Marshall Fire, as well as <br />efforts in identifying and responding to these impacts. The Committee <br />concurred with the recommended structure of reporting. <br />Councilmember Most emphasized the work that the City has already done and <br />encouraged continued communication. Chair Dickinson agreed and expressed <br />his hopes that the City can continue to support businesses as the community <br />returns to pre-COVID conditions. <br />V111. Discussion- Economic Vitality Strategic Plan: Director Pierce confirmed that <br />there have not been any substantive changes to the Strategic Plan since <br />December. The Committee was supportive of Director Pierce's request to skip <br />the Q4 2021 Strategic Plan update to City Council in favor of a Q1 2022 update. <br />Agenda Packet P. 4 <br />