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<br />10/19/82 <br /> <br />Page -4- <br /> <br />Charles Van DeBoogard <br />1400 Washington Ave. <br /> <br />Wished to thank the Mayor and councilmembers <br />for the opportunity to speak on this issue. <br />Commented there was much he could say this <br />evening, but in all fairness to all parties <br />concerned he would limit his discussion to <br />a few minutes. He wished to plead with the <br />members of council to take a serious look <br />at getting an independent opinion on whether <br />the proposed Neodata project meets the City's <br />Office Zoning. It was his feeling that it <br />did not meet the zoning requirements, and <br />felt that all parties on both sides of this <br />issue had made up their minds, a long time <br />ago, as early as April. At the City Council <br />meeting where :he sub-division plat was up <br />for second reading, there was a glimmer of <br />hope that an independent opinion would be <br />requested. He reiterrated his request for <br />a disinterested party to make a judgement <br />if this really does meet the zoning require- <br />ments. Mr. Van DeBoogard realized that he <br />had a biased opinion because he resided in <br />the area, and felt that some members of Council <br />may have been biased also. He stated he <br />would have backed off this subject long ago <br />had someone stepped forth and issued a formal <br />statement that it did or did not meet the zon- <br />ing requirement. He understood why council <br />at the second reading of the subdivision agree- <br />ment plat didn't wish to get an independent <br />opinion. There was some discussion of how <br />this would be done; also some discussion about <br />undermining the abilities of the City Attorney. <br />He emphathized with this; but felt as humans <br />all of us could make mistakes. From the be- <br />ginning, he felt the issue had been quite <br />polarized and has taken away some people's <br />objectivity in this respect. He then re- <br />quested that council not proceed with the <br />issuance of the: Industrial Revenue Bonds until <br />someone, whether it be a judge, an expert in <br />zoning, an arbi.trator, or just someone with <br />an unbiased opi.nion stated that the Neodata <br />project did meet the zoning requirements, he <br />would then be willing to say issue the revenue <br />bonds. Mr. VanDeBoogard further commented he <br />would not welcome Neodata with open arms, but <br />would not be as apprehensive as he does now, <br />if an independent judgement was made. <br />