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<br />City Council Minutes <br /> <br />BRUENING, CONTINUED... <br /> <br />MAYOR MEIER <br /> <br />KAHAN & MARTIN: <br /> <br />ME! E R: <br /> <br />MARTIN: <br /> <br />August 3, 1982 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />led to the press release. Most specifically, <br />Crossroads in Boulder has been historically a very <br />difficult one in terms of planning for Sears. <br />I woul d think the chance.s of Sears making an entry <br />with a retail store in Crossroads are very, very, <br />slim. I can't say they are -im~ossible, but the <br />likelihood of Sears announcing a new store in <br />Crossroads is almost insignificant. <br /> <br />We are looking at the Longmont market, we look <br />at that as a separate retail market, and would be <br />planning a smaller store in that area. The plann- <br />ing that we would continue for that neck of the <br />woods does not directly impact what will happen <br />eventally to Louisville-Boulder. There has also <br />been speculation that a Sears store may go into <br />one of the shopping centers in northwest Denver, <br />and I can tell you again, Sears at this time has <br />no plans whatsoever of locating or commit to <br />build in northwest Denver at this time. <br /> <br />He thanked council for their time and the opportunity <br />to discuss this with them personally. <br /> <br />Stated he is the only one on the board who was <br />originally on the board when this all began in 1978. <br />This has been painful to him after going through <br />all of the planning, special elections, etc. which <br />has transpired. He questioned the lack of major <br />stores, as at one time there were 4 major stores, <br />what happened to them.. .Beall s I Di 11 ards, and <br />whomever else was planned? <br /> <br />responded ~y stating that Wilson1s and Bealls do <br />not qualify under the definition of a major dept. <br />store. One being a catalog store, and the other <br />a relative small junior dept. store. Dillard's <br />decided not to come into the area after a few <br />phone calls from governmental officials and other <br />pressures which were exerted. Basically, a major <br />dept. store is called a full line dept. store, <br />Wilson's operates gift merchandise, and Bealls <br />toward soft goods only. <br /> <br />Great concern to us. ..certain commitments made <br />for public improvements through annexation agree- <br />ment and amendment, you stated you will reassess <br />these improvements, please clarify that statement. <br /> <br />There is a point of critical concern and interest <br />to the community. I want to be very clear and <br />concise, and hope the press is reporting this and <br />get it straight. We have every desire and intention <br />to honor the commitments that we have made to the <br />City and State of Colorado. We want to work our <br />way through these commitments with your engineers <br />and planners to reassess the original plan which <br />