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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 18, 2022 <br />Page 7of8 <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney noted the initial reason for this was for the burn areas and we <br />are seeing issues in those areas. He hoped this will help contribute to making this a safer <br />community. <br />Councilmember Most stated there are a lot of examples of this kind of technology used <br />well or badly. The critical piece is having a specific purpose and how the data will be <br />used. This needs to be narrowly defined and purpose driven to the burn area. <br />Transparency and a limited scope will give this program value with safety parameters. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked for clarification on how the data will be accessed, if it will be <br />accessed only if there is a crime or if it will be run against a hot list. Chief Hayes stated it <br />is motion activated, and absent a specific hit that a car is related to a crime on a wanted <br />vehicle, the police wouldn't follow up on anything. The department doesn't have the time <br />or inclination to look at the data 24/7. <br />Councilmember Brown does not support broad surveillance in the community, but is <br />willing to support it based on the discussions and understanding that this is a narrow <br />scope that is controllable. However, he wants to keep a close eye on how it works and <br />how data utilized. <br />Councilmember Leh doesn't believe that anyone is talking about surveillance of the entire <br />town. There is a commitment to those that lost their homes and we can't have people <br />watching 24/7. <br />Vote: The motion passed on a voice vote of 6-1 with Mayor Stolzmann voting no. <br />CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />None. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS, COMMITTEE REPORTS, AND IDENTIFICATION OF FUTURE <br />AGENDA ITEMS <br />Mayor Stolzmann shared that area communities are working on a collective day of action <br />on June 7th regarding gun violence. <br />Mayor Pro Tern informed the Council that Thursday, July 21st is a Special Session day to <br />talk about budget. It is important that all seven members are able to attend and if not, staff <br />will work to find a day that works for everyone. <br />ADJOURN <br />Members adjourned at 8:03 pm. <br />