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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 18, 2022 <br />Page 6of8 <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked where the readers would be located. Chief Hayes responded <br />that the readers would be deployed in areas impacted by the Marshall Fire and some <br />ingress and egress areas of town which can be matched to the block image to get a <br />better picture. <br />He noted staff can reduce the number of days the information is stored. It is currently at <br />30 days so there is enough time to act on information if a complaint is delayed. He <br />wouldn't recommend going much less than 30 days, but he can if Council prefers that. <br />Councilmember Most asked if signage will also be put up so people know they are in use. <br />Chief Hayes responded that signs can be added and it might help. Councilmember Most <br />stated that signage can be a deterrent as well as more transparent so she would like <br />signage included. <br />Councilmember Fahey agreed that signage will provide transparency and help deter <br />people. She stated that some of the concerns people have is invasion of privacy. Chief <br />Hayes stated the police will not be sharing the data with anyone and there is no facial <br />recognition, just license plate capture. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney asked that the focus be on the Marshall Fire areas first to <br />protect against folks taking advantage of the homes left in those areas. <br />Councilmember Most asked that information be added to the website to clarify these <br />points. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Maloney stated this is a two-year agreement so if Council intends to <br />agree to the contract another resolution would be required after the two year period and <br />amendments could be made at that time. <br />Motion: Councilmember Fahey moved to approve Resolution No. 15, Series 2022, <br />seconded by Councilmember Most <br />Mayor Stolzmann she has some philosophical questions about surveillance in general, <br />and struggles from this with an equity perspective. She has concerns about the data <br />collection and how it could be used. She stated she won't vote in favor of this as it doesn't <br />seem the small town approach; she would rather put the funding towards other needs. <br />Councilmember Dickinson agreed this can be problematic if used inappropriately but we <br />will only be looking at license plates so he is more comfortable with it. <br />Councilmember Leh appreciates the privacy concerns, but the focus is to deter and <br />investigate property crimes against properties damaged by fire. Some of these concerns <br />seems more related to policing policy. <br />