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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 12, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />reviewed the history of the parcel and the details of the request including parking, <br />architecture, and landscaping. <br />The applicant is requesting two waivers: one a landscaping waiver for a reduction <br />changing a planting bed a 10-foot buffer to 5.3 feet, but with additional trees and a <br />second waiver for a nonconforming driveway. <br />Staff finds the application is in compliance with the Municipal Code and is compliant <br />with the IDDSG with the two waivers. The Planning Commission recommends approval <br />as does staff. <br />Councilmember Brown asked for additional information on the landscape buffer, <br />specifically why a waiver is needed and has this been done before. Director Zuccaro <br />responded that with this building configuration on this the waivers are necessary. He <br />noted the property to the south has a similar situation. <br />Councilmember Most stated that it was not 100% clear when watching the Planning <br />Commission meeting if the Grasscrete turnaround was counting as part of the <br />landscaping or party of the parking lot. Director Zuccaro responded that it would count <br />as part of the landscaping. It is an emergency turnaround and not part of the drive aisle. <br />They will not be allowed to store snow on it and it cannot be used for parking. <br />Councilwoman Most expressed concern about it being considered part of the landscape <br />allocation and Director Zuccaro responded that Council would have to grant a third <br />waiver if it was not considered part of landscaping. <br />Applicant Deepika Avanti spoke in support of the application, stating that this was the <br />third small flex building she has developed. Some of the businesses looking to be <br />tenants include medical supply recycling, wind and solar systems, skin products, and <br />other research. Not all startups can afford to buy a space so they are able to rent a <br />small space. <br />Public Comments — None. <br />Councilmember Most asked if the dark skies lighting issue raised in Planning <br />Commission could be clarified. Curtis Kostecki with Creative Civil Solutions in Longmont <br />shared with Council that he did look into the options of installing 2700 kelvin lighting. <br />However, to create the amount of light required of photometric codes the lowest energy <br />output available was 3000 kelvins. To use 2700 kelvin lighting would require more <br />energy to create the lighting desired on the ground. <br />Mayor Stolzmann stated she is pleased with the pedestrian circulation, the xeriscape, <br />the Grassecrete, and the fact that the windows open in the building. <br />