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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />June 1, 2009 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />patios were covered in the media. Feedback will be solicited from businesses at <br />the end of the season. <br />IGA WITH SUPERIOR <br />Discussion – Superior wishes to incorporate loops rather than left turns on <br />Highway 36. Highway 36 corridor improvements do not show loops. The BRaD <br />committee believes there are more “cons” to the loop plan for the US 36 corridor <br />than left turn lanes. A committee member posed the question - In the study did <br />the outcome reflect a change that depends on a traffic signal? Traffic signal and <br />timing issues were discussed. The north loop proposed by Superior is not in the <br />current EIS. The City is not interested in having the loop become part of the EIS; <br />this would delay the project and the loop plan would cost $7,000,000 more than <br />the double left turn plan. A double left turn lane is part of the EIS and in the plan <br />for US 36 improvement. A bridge would need to be re-constructed for the EIS <br />and part of the plan. The IGA does state that the north east loop is an alternative <br />if the loop is not in the EIS, and that one party objects to the construction. <br />Impacts of the loop plan on the City of Louisville were discussed. Only negative <br />impacts were identified. <br />The Official recommendation by the BRaD Committee: Support the EIS <br />Plan for Double Turn Lanes, and do not support Loop Plan. Lathrop <br />motioned to approve, Pritchard seconded, All in Favor – Unanimous <br />support by acclimation. <br />MCCASLIN SIGN <br />Paul Wood presented information on the difficulty of developing sign codes. <br />Question posed; What are the benefits to the City, considering budget short- <br />falls? The staff requests a process to determine at a policy level the approval of <br />signage for business. The benefit of signage should be tied to the City not a <br />particular merchant. The City would like some perspective on how to approach <br />the sign code and an equitable public policy. There is a need to better <br />understand the visibility of signage from US 36. The importance of the policy is <br />the ability to discuss the options of providing signage on private property. <br />ICSC REPORT <br />Bonnie Star presented a summary of the ICSC Conference in Las Vegas. Our <br />attendance indicated that the City of Louisville is cognizant for business <br />development and understands the importance the ICSC conference. These <br />contacts have led to follow up meetings being scheduled. <br />RETENTION VISIT REPORTS <br />Home Depot – Issue signage, being addressed. <br />Collins Machine – Back yard grading. Emergency notification of large employers <br />within the City. City Staff will look into notification. <br /> <br />