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LESSONS LEARNED <br />LRC is Unique. LRC has d ifferent fu nctions and authorities than other city commissions and <br />would benefitfrom more frequent meetings and Council work sessions. <br />,9-The LRC has the potential to proactively support the Council vision and is willing to <br />o participate more in City planning efforts to synchronize efforts and implementation. <br />Strengthen Communications. There is a desire for enhanced alignment between the LRC with <br />Council, the community, and with local business and building owners. <br />The LRC would like to build awareness of the work accomplished by the partnership of <br />the Commission and Council and engage the community around Council priorities to <br />U build support for future projects. <br />Strategize + Plan. While projects and ideas emerge quickly, the LRC would like to be more <br />proactive in outlining the focus areas and support available where Louisville wants to focus on <br />investment and improvement <br />_Build stronger awareness of Council priorities, the capital improvement project priorities, <br />�_ and other planning processes to establish strategies and project development. Ot is <br />important to present shared priorities with the private sector to allow new development <br />to incorporate the City and LRC vision in mind. <br />Understand Beneficiaries, Creating a stronger connection with the small, local business and <br />building owners, as wel I as citizens, will a I low LRC to ensure their focus areas are meaningful to <br />thg community <br />-G-LRC could partner with the Economic Vitality Commission and Downtown Business <br />v Association to conduct community engagement and outreach. <br />Pre -Approved Funds Worked. Creating a pool of funds that can support a specific type of <br />investment would a I low the LRC to support smaller and more local efforts i n a timely manner. <br />' For smaller projects, a streamlined process with a scoring system could shorten the wait <br />time for project approval and engage community members in proposing ideas to <br />address community challenges. <br />RC ca n Proactively Support City Planning Efforts. The LRC will work to establish focus areas that <br />reinforce the City's vision. The LRC could support the planning effort for the downtown urban <br />renewal area in advance of the comprehensive plan update. <br />-G-FThe LRA could support an engagement process to establish recommendations for the <br />v urban renewal area in the larger comprehensive plan. <br />DOWNTOWN COLORADO, INC (DCI) Louisville Revitalization Commission Downtown Strategy Report Page 7 <br />Agenda Packet P. 13 <br />