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DOWNTOWN ASSESSMENT <br />Qn Iuly 19, 2022 Louisville engaged in an interactive tour and dialogue between <br />Louisville Revitalization Commission (LRC), City of Louisville Leadership, <br />Louisville Stakeholders, and a team of Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) experts to <br />identify improvements that will make the most significant impacts towards the <br />community vision. <br />The Downtown Walking Assessment had three sessions of engagement with <br />local stakeholders including facilitated discussion; engaging activities; and <br />presentation of prepared materials. <br />The day started with a kick off meeting of Commission Board Members, DC Team, and <br />Cou nci Iwo ma in Deb Fa hey to d iscuss opportu n ity sites, econom is development strategy, <br />and the larger community priorities. Based on feedback around opportunity sites from <br />the first LRC Strategy Meeting and morning discussion, the group visited five opportunity <br />sites with a combination of walking and driving. <br />Over lunch, the LRC Board members, DC support and local business and property <br />owners met to discuss: the business cli mate in the City and downtown; the role of the LRC <br />in support of businesses; previous projects undertaken by the LRC;and suggestions of <br />quick projects that would collectively have a dramatic impact in the plan area. Following <br />the interactive community discussions, the DC team met privately with Louisville staff to <br />flesh out the ideas and identify the key areas of focus for moving forward. The team also <br />identified fallow up interviews and additional information needs. <br />DOWNTOWN COLORADO, INC (DCl) Louisville Revitalizotion Commission Downtown Strategy Report Page 8 <br />Agenda Packet P. 14 <br />