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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 13, 2022 <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />Zuccaro says it is not something we typically to reduce hours through the PUD <br />since it is a use by right. You would have to find the reason through our PUD <br />review criteria. <br />Brauneis asks why we would reduce the hours since there is not residential near <br />there. <br />Krantz says we received a letter that said they lived a quarter of a mile from <br />there. Their concern was more related to emissions though. With our small town <br />character, it seems like having a business open 24 hours does not fit that <br />character. <br />Moline says we look at the McCaslin interchange as one of the busier sections of <br />town. For example, bus service is going to run almost 24 hours these days. This <br />is a part of town that is busier and he could see why the applicant would want to <br />be open for 24 hours. He thinks the McCaslin Small Area Plan would support the <br />hours of operation. <br />Brauneis says given the location and the fact the applicant said if they do not get <br />good enough business, they may reduce their hours. Because of this, he is not <br />concerned with the proposed hours. <br />Hoefner says he would not approve the resolution and would deny the <br />application and ask them to come back. <br />Zuccaro says they could ask the applicant if they are willing to have a <br />continuance. <br />Moline says he could be ready to support this. <br />Brauneis agrees and is willing to support. <br />Krantz mentions that she would like this to be closed at 11 pm. She is concerned <br />about having alcohol sales past 11 pm when that does not exist in Louisville. <br />Brauneis says alcohol is not part of our review and the other gas station is <br />allowed to do it. <br />Krantz asks how late the other gas station stays open. <br />Zuccaro says Google says they are open 24 hours. <br />Brauneis says that does not mean that alcohol is sold for 24 hours. <br />Krantz mentions that she would like to add a condition for four charging stations. <br />Brauneis moves and Moline seconds a motion to approve Resolution 14, Series <br />2022 with the condition that prior to the City Council public hearing, the applicant <br />shall amend the PUD to include the required EV installed, EV capable, and EV <br />ready parking space designation pursuant to Section 17.20.170 of the Louisville <br />Municipal Code. Motion passes 3-2 with a roll call vote. <br />Name <br />Vote <br />Steve Brauneis <br />Yes <br />Dietrich Hoefner <br />No <br />Jeff Moline <br />Yes <br />Tamar Krantz <br />No <br />Allison Osterman <br />Yes <br />Motionpassed/failed: <br />Passes <br />Discussion — New Business <br />