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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 01 11
2023 Open Space Advisory Board Agendas and Packets
Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2023 01 11
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City Council Records
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Boards Commissions Committees Records
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />December 14, 2022 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />populations (e.g., children), not for open space work like trail or weed work. <br />Discussion and revisions will continue. <br />The Wildfire Hazard and Risk Assessment contract has been approved by City <br />Council and will start moving forward. The consultant will be presenting to OSAB <br />twice as part of the contract. The goal will be to evaluate risks for city -owned <br />properties and to collect and simplify resources for citizens to use to fire -harden <br />their properties. The city is also trying to create some citizen open houses to <br />help the public understand the scope of the project and solicit citizen feedback. <br />Helen asked how this plan will affect Boulder County open space land and jointly - <br />owned land. Ember said that the project may influence other land managers and <br />there will be communication with these other municipalities, but that they will <br />have their own plans. Helen suggested that it would be best to have some <br />consistency, but Ember pointed out that Boulder County has primary <br />management decisions on agricultural lands and a lot of Boulder County's lands <br />on the plains are in agricultural management and so management on those lands <br />would be different from Louisville open space land. <br />Jessamine asked what division of the city's staff would be in charge of jobs like <br />mowing around private fencing. Ember said that the land management would fall <br />to Open Space staff if on Open Space lands. <br />David asked about the Bronco Stadium Sales Fund mentioned in the meeting <br />packet. Ember said that money had been allocated during the sale of the Denver <br />Broncos to be put towards local sports and youth outdoor recreation programs. <br />City staff had been asked to brainstorm proposals to use this fund, and Open <br />Space staff, along with other departments within the City, had provided multiple <br />suggestions to City Council for consideration. <br />David asked for an update on the 104th Street Trail. He asked what percent of <br />the trail was going to be concrete. Ember said that the only places with concrete <br />would be access crossings, where the trail ties to existing sidewalks, and at one <br />place where the trail seems likely to flood from nearby pivot irrigation. The rest of <br />the trail will have a crusher fines surface and the crusher fines would be installed <br />shortly. Ember added that she is trying to make sure the crusher fines match <br />those in the rest of the city. <br />David asked if the Davidson Mesa trail work is complete. Ember said it was, but <br />added that staff wants to put out signs to explain the hydro mulch to citizens. It is <br />a product to help re-establish vegetation, and users have been trampling on it. <br />Mark Cathcart (1763 Sweet Clover Lane) asked if staff was aware of a Marshall <br />Fire pet memorial project that had recently been presented to the Louisville <br />Cultural Council. The plan, put forward by a private organization called Rise <br />Louisville, is being proposed for installation at the Davidson Mesa Off -leash Area. <br />
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