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Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 03 09
2023 Planning Commission Agendas Packets Minutes
Planning Commission Agenda and Packet 2023 03 09
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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 09, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 15 <br />Zuccaro says we do not have a definition for it. Staff says that to be integral it <br />has to be on the same lot or an adjoining lot. We did look up common definitions <br />of that word and it really just means that it is necessary to the whole. We are <br />open to another word that better encompasses the intent. <br />Moline asks if the 80,000 square foot requirement applies to anything in that mall <br />area or on a particular lot. <br />Zuccaro says it would be a single user retail center of 80,000 or more like "big <br />box" retailer or grocery store like a King Soopers or Costco. <br />Krantz asks if the current big box store vacancies on McCaslin Blvd. are further <br />than 1,000 ft from the proposed Murphy Express and existing 7-Eleven. <br />Zuccaro says no, that is why the ordinance is written to have an exception for <br />the cap and spacing requirement. <br />Krantz says she is also concerned with the definition of "integral." She gives an <br />example of King Soopers and how not every store has a gas station. It seems <br />like King Soopers can still thrive without one. Would that disqualify it from being <br />integral? <br />Zuccaro says he thinks what we mean in the ordinance is if a single use, large <br />retailer approaches the city and they would like to have a fueling station, then he <br />thinks we would say it is integral. We could get a grocery store of any brand <br />without one but we do not want to exclude one. <br />Brauneis asks if the word "integral" is the exact word on the presentation slide. <br />Zuccaro says no, he can bring up the exact text. <br />Howe says when looking at the requirements for an automobile service station, <br />could there be a station that does not qualify under this section? For example, if <br />they do not sell fuels but they still service cars. Would the limitations then not <br />apply to them? <br />Zuccaro says the way this is drafted, it would not apply to an automobile repair <br />station or an oil change business. It has to be selling fuel in order to be called an <br />automobile service station. <br />Howe asks about a definition of fuel. He is not sure if that applies to hydrogen <br />fuels but that might be something that we need to better define. <br />Zuccaro says he would need to do more research on that. <br />Brauneis mentions that he is hesitant to approve hydrogen right now since most <br />hydrogen is created by stripping it from petroleum products. <br />Krantz asks why it matters whether a gas station has ceased operations for the <br />approval of the SRU. <br />Zuccaro says there are two provisions in the SRU code. It says if you get an <br />SRU approved and the applicant doesn't initiate that SRU within a year, it does <br />not automatically expire but City staff or the Planning Commission can recall the <br />SRU and bring it back to a hearing and maybe revoke the approval. The other is <br />that if an applicant starts operating and it ceases operation for a year, that SRU's <br />approval expires. Not all gas stations are approved as an SRU and are approved <br />through other paths so we wanted to lump everything together to clarify the <br />process. <br />Choi says the ordinance would allow only one more gas station or one <br />exception. <br />
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