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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 15, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />Louisville. He said that if we continue to incentivize the supply of fossil fuels, it <br />incentivizes more fracking and air pollutants. <br />Staff Update — <br />Dan asked about the timeline and priority for the Dark Sky Ordinance. Kayla <br />explained there is already a draft ordinance and it is slated for the first half of the <br />year. She will keep everyone updated on progress and there is a Dark Skies <br />Open House on Monday, April 10 at the Louisville Public Library. Todd asked if <br />Kayla is the Sustainability Division referred to in the staff update and Kayla <br />confirmed that she is indeed the Division. Dan mentioned that it's great to see so <br />many residents rebuilding to the IECC 2021+ codes. Tiffany asked if the e-bike <br />pilot program flyers will be translated into Spanish. Kayla responded that they will <br />be translated when they are printed. Todd asked if there will be more of a <br />discussion about the e-bike rebate pilot program and Kayla responded that yes, <br />there will be a discussion at the March meeting. Tiffany asked the board to <br />celebrate the number of residents choosing the incentives, rebates and choices <br />for the IECC 2021+ codes for rebuilding. <br />Discussion Item — Open Space Tax Task Force — LSAB Appointment <br />Kayla started by explaining that City Council is putting together an Open Space <br />Tax Task Force with members from OSAB, PPLAB and LSAB to discuss the <br />Open Space sales tax. The tax is expiring and language about extending the tax <br />needs to be included on the November ballot. <br />Public Comment <br />None <br />LSAB Discussion <br />Todd mentioned that this is a great chance to get sustainability built into an <br />ongoing funding source. He asked if LSAB could have a representative and an <br />alternate. Kayla responded that the task force will discuss this in their first <br />meeting. Todd said he is willing to be the LSAB representative on the task force. <br />Lev asked how Todd sees this as an opportunity to raise funding for <br />