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Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />February 15, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />sustainability. Todd responded that LSAB's voice on the task force would allow <br />input on how the ballot language is written and if funds from the tax will be <br />divided to include sustainability. Josh added that some of the funding may go <br />towards Parks for natural climate solutions. Todd included that adding <br />sustainability could rename it as a sustainability and parks tax. Josh said he <br />volunteers to be the alternate. <br />Dan nominated Todd as the LSAB Open Space Tax Task Force representative <br />with Josh as an alternate. Tiffany seconded his motion. The motion was <br />approved by all members. <br />Discussion Item — LSAB Decision Making Process and Expectations <br />Todd explained to the group that when it comes to climate solutions, the board <br />can spend a long time getting to the best solutions, but he asked that the board <br />not let perfect get in the way of the best path forward needed to gain momentum, <br />since the board only has 18 hours per year together for discussion. <br />John added that the board should figure out the most effective strategies to <br />reduce carbon emissions, backed up by research and data. <br />Public Comment <br />Sam (Monarch student) — Sam said he supports the board's approach to <br />prioritize the strategies that reduce the most carbon emissions. <br />RJ Harrington — RJ agreed with the approach and added that we need to electrify <br />the transportation sector and keep making progress on reducing the most <br />emissions possible. <br />LSAB Discussion <br />Tiffany said that we need to consider the GHG emissions impact and community <br />interest to create buy -in from the public. Todd added that in order for the board to <br />get through the work plan, the board will need to take some risks and perhaps <br />the board can decide on fewer items for the 2024 work plan. Lev said that the <br />board may need to spend more time on its decisions before it recommends <br />approval of projects. Josh agreed that the board should make as informed <br />decisions as it can. Todd explained an example of the US Solar community solar <br />